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Physical Geography: Climate

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Presentation on theme: "Physical Geography: Climate"— Presentation transcript:

1 Physical Geography: Climate

2 Climate Characteristics Elements Temperature Precipitation
Seasons (hot/cold, wet/dry) Latitude Winds – Distributes heat Elevation Water – Moderate temperature Ocean Currents

3 Latitude





8 Climate Regions Low Latitudes
Tropical Wet – Rains a lot and is hot (Rainforest) Tropical Wet and Dry – Rains half the year and is hot (Savanna)

9 Climate Regions Middle Latitudes Mediterranean Humid Continental
Humid Subtropical Marine West Coast

10 Climate Regions High Latitudes
Subarctic (boreal forests such as Taiga) Tundra (cold grassland) Icecap

11 Climate Regions Other Arid (desert)
Semiarid (dry grasslands such as steppe) Highland (located in mountains)

12 Vegetation Rainforest – Forest with broadleaf trees located in low latitudes (jungle) Savanna – Tropical grassland in Africa Steppe – Dry grassland near deserts (Sahara, Gobi) Middle Latitude Forest – Mixed forest with coniferous and deciduous trees Taiga – Coniferous forest located in Russia (boreal forest) Tundra – Cold grassland with permafrost

13 Rainforest

14 Savanna

15 Steppe

16 Mixed Forest

17 Taiga

18 Tundra

19 Climate Climate has an effect on: Crops Clothing Housing
Natural Hazards

20 Crops

21 Clothing

22 Housing

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