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7th Grade Social Studies Unit 6, Lesson 4: How did imperialism affect the future economic growth and development of colonized countries?

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Presentation on theme: "7th Grade Social Studies Unit 6, Lesson 4: How did imperialism affect the future economic growth and development of colonized countries?"— Presentation transcript:

1 7th Grade Social Studies Unit 6, Lesson 4: How did imperialism affect the future economic growth and development of colonized countries?

2 Less Economically Developed Countries
North-South Divide. Wikipedia. 21 January 2015 <

3 Less Economically Developed Countries
North-South Divide. Wikipedia. 21 January 2015 < More Economically Developed Countries

4 Gross Domestic Product
GDP Map. Wikipedia. 21 January 2015<

5 Human Development Index
Map of Countries HDI. Wikipedia. 21 January 2015 <

6 Population Living Below National Poverty Line
Population Living Below National Poverty Line. 21 January 2015 <

7 Country Income Groups. The World Bank Group
Country Income Groups. The World Bank Group. 21 January 2015 <

8 What story does this map tell?

9 First Industrial Revolution
American Civil War Colonization of North America begins World War I Independence 2000 1800 1900 1700 First Industrial Revolution Development of textile industry and steam power The Tea Act and the Boston Tea Party

10 1700 1800 1900 2000 First Industrial Revolution Textiles and Steam
1712 – The Newcomen steam engine 1793 – Eli Whitney patents the cotton gin. Second Industrial Revolution Electricity and Chemicals 1879 – Thomas Edison invents the incandescent light bulb 1903 – The Wright Brothers make the first successful airplane flight

11 First Industrial Revolution Second Industrial Revolution
American Civil War Colonization of North America begins World War I Independence 2000 1800 1900 1700 First Industrial Revolution Development of textile industry and steam power Second Industrial Revolution Harnessing the power of electricity and chemicals

12 Resources for history teachers
Resources for history teachers. 21 January 2015 <

13 Colonies and Protectorates in Africa around 1914
Colonies and Protectorates in Africa around New York Public Library. 21 January 2015 <

14 Lam, Joyce and Justine Lee
Lam, Joyce and Justine Lee. The Berlin Conference ( ): Dominant Diplomacy, Dire Consequences. 21 January 2015 <

15 Tanzania Map. World Atlas. 21 January 2015 <http://www. worldatlas

16 Was the colonization of Africa a necessary evil?

17 Property of Oakland Schools
Author: Carol Egbo Editor: Amy Bloom Copyright © Oakland Schools

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