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G. Dyke GFOI/SDCG Side Event, 23 April 2018, Boulder, CO, USA

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Presentation on theme: "G. Dyke GFOI/SDCG Side Event, 23 April 2018, Boulder, CO, USA"— Presentation transcript:

1 G. Dyke GFOI/SDCG Side Event, 23 April 2018, Boulder, CO, USA
Update: Views on CEOS and SDCG Approach on GFOI Phase 2 Updated for SIT-33 GFOI/SDCG Side Event G. Dyke GFOI/SDCG Side Event, 23 April 2018, Boulder, CO, USA

2 Overview Response Summary Table Objectives
Brief Agency Response summary ASI CNES CONAE CSA INPE +DLR, USGS SDCG-8 DLR, Bonn, Germany September 23rd-25th 2015

3 Objectives Reach out to SDCG agencies not attending to gather their views Assessment of future planned participation in SDCG meetings Supporting Osamu’s objectives as CEOS lead for GFOI Coming away from GFOI Plenary with a statement around what GFOI might expect from CEOS and space data providers for Phase 2 to be presented for discussion at SIT-33 Reciprocal statement from CEOS agencies coming out of SIT-33 about what they would expect from GFOI Phase 2 SDCG-8 DLR, Bonn, Germany September 23rd-25th 2015

4 Response Summary Table
Agency Response SDCG-14? Long Term SDCG Engagement ASI bullet points likely 1 per year CONAE unlikely (SAOCOM launch) Post SAOCOM? CNES unclear Max. 1 per year CSA comprehensive DLR INPE pending unlikely USGS Max. 1 per year (joint) SDCG-8 DLR, Bonn, Germany September 23rd-25th 2015

5 ASI Highlights Would like to foster the uptake of ASI data, but don’t currently have resources to engage with GFOI In order to promote the GFOI initiative within ASI, require feedback from CSK users, i.e. reports or published papers Realistic engagement is one meeting per year, on the basis of the business travel budget Linkage of SDCG to the GFOI Plenary is positive SDCG-8 DLR, Bonn, Germany September 23rd-25th 2015

6 CONAE Highlights SAOCOM launch scheduled for Q3 2018
Data to be processed in and distributed from Argentina Global coverage SAOCOM L-band SAR expected to be of value for forest monitoring Forest/non-forest Biomass CONAE Data Policy: under preparation Expected to support non-commercial applications, e.g GFOI Separate ASI policy inside European exclusion zone SDCG-8 DLR, Bonn, Germany September 23rd-25th 2015

7 CNES Highlights Keen to promote CNES mission data
Phase 1 provided Pleiades data; awaiting feedback on usage Willing to support with Pleiades for Phase 2 based on Phase 1 feedback received CNES systematic participation is not likely; at best will try to attend one annual meeting SDCG-8 DLR, Bonn, Germany September 23rd-25th 2015

8 CSA Highlights Comprehensive written response; quite positive and constructive Promotion of SAR, support to national community, upstream R&D RCM is a Canada First mission, and data contribution to GFOI will have to be promoted by the CFS Linkages between the SDCG and GFOI are very important, but joint SDCG and GFOI Plenary meetings too long Maybe a focused meeting between the R&D, Data component and SDCG? SDCG-8 DLR, Bonn, Germany September 23rd-25th 2015

9 DLR Highlights Drivers: user requirements, community interaction, DLR data flow and uptake See niches for the use of DLR data within GFOI Level of engagement depends on: connection of DLR data to GFOI R&D and DC German GFOI Lead engagement (GIZ engagement) Not convinced extra CEOS internal meeting are effective, at least with the current WP Link with the GFOI plenary is very important SDCG-8 DLR, Bonn, Germany September 23rd-25th 2015

10 INPE Highlights INPE supporting GFOI overall
Awaiting further feedback on SDCG engagement for Phase 2 SDCG-8 DLR, Bonn, Germany September 23rd-25th 2015

11 USGS Highlights Benefits from:
user requirement gathering at GFOI Plenary reporting back to space agencies at the LSI-VC excellent opportunity to move forward on the coordination of a global Landsat ARD model Space agencies need a focus on space data within the GFOI Data component Broadening data requirement to include in situ weakens the relevance for space agencies In situ better served in CB and MGD? SDCG-8 DLR, Bonn, Germany September 23rd-25th 2015

12 Initial Questions Can we promote feedback from R&D activities to data providers (e.g. ASI, CNES)? Should we continue co-location of SDCG with GFOI Plenary? Would it be more valuable for SDCG to co-locate with a GFOI DUAG and/or R&D meeting? Can we sustain more than one SDCG meeting per year? SDCG-8 DLR, Bonn, Germany September 23rd-25th 2015

13 Backup SDCG-8 DLR, Bonn, Germany September 23rd-25th 2015

14 Questions 1) What’s the main objective of your agency for engagement with GFOI Phase 2? 2) What are your general expectations from GFOI going forward? 3) Is your agency support to GFOI wholly or in part contingent on a better resourced R&D program? 4) Do you plan to engage in future SDCG meetings? 5) (CSA and CONAE only) is there anything that SDCG can be doing to help ease or promote future core data uptake by the GFOI community? SDCG-8 DLR, Bonn, Germany September 23rd-25th 2015

15 SIT-33 Summary Slide Reached out to SDCG agencies to gather their views on GFOI Phase 2 plans and prospects Clear appetite for one SDCG meeting a year Differing views on value of joint meeting vs. GFOI Plenary Key drivers for GFOI and SDCG involvement: User requirements, community interaction Promoting agency data flows and related R&D Promotion of SAR uptake Feedback and validation on product development (e.g. ARD) Support to and from other national government departments, e.g. Forestry, Foreign Aid SDCG-8 DLR, Bonn, Germany September 23rd-25th 2015

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