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StuCo Student Council CIS

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Presentation on theme: "StuCo Student Council CIS"— Presentation transcript:

1 StuCo Student Council CIS
What is it? It is a service organization. We provide help, service and support for our school and community. It is for students who like to help and contribute to their school and community. StuCo Student Council CIS

2 Qualifications You must have a 80 or higher on your 1st 6 weeks report card, good conduct(S or E), and want to make a difference at CIS.

3 Activities Angel Tree Teacher Appreciation STAAR Appreciation
Can Food Drive Snack Pack Drive Red Ribbon Week/Spirit Week Collecting all money, cans, etc…that need to be collected through the year. Making announcements to your homeroom after each meeting ETC… Activities

4 Friday, October 14th from 8:15-9:00 in your homeroom teacher’s classroom.
No Posters before or after the elections—During is ok No promises or prizes Show your homeroom why you are the BEST person for the job. Election packets with Speeches are due on Wednesday to: 5th grade-Mrs. Kieth 6th grade-Mrs. Whitworth NO LATE SPEECHES OR PACKETS WILL BE ACCEPTED Elections

5 Important INFO First meeting will be on October 18th at 7:30am—Students will be required to be at all meetings. Attendance is mandatory. The meetings will be once a month in Mrs. Whitworth’s room. Once elected, a $30 fee will be need for shirts and field trip expenses. BEST BEHAVIOR and RESPONSIBLE KIDS are needed.

6 Mrs. Whitworth, Mrs. Kieth, Mrs. Bishop and Mrs. Cromeens

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