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Civil Air Patrol CAP Emergency Services Professional Development & Instructor Certification Lt Col Bob Ditch Rank is normally.

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Presentation on theme: "Civil Air Patrol CAP Emergency Services Professional Development & Instructor Certification Lt Col Bob Ditch Rank is normally."— Presentation transcript:

1 Civil Air Patrol CAP Emergency Services Professional Development & Instructor Certification Lt Col Bob Ditch Rank is normally abbreviated Use of your nickname is optional in quotes between your first and last name Title is normally the full written title, not the office symbol, but take the lead from other briefings The date is the date the briefing is to be given One Civil Air Patrol, excelling in service to our nation and our members!

2 Overview The Challenge The Solutions Instructor Certification
If rules of engagement are necessary or an introduction of other briefers, suggest adding those ahead of the ideas.

3 CAP Emergency Services Professional Development
Challenge: Access by CAP members to FEMA Emergency Management and Emergency Services courses varies across nation - due to state budgets, application policies, course delivery schedules, distances, as well as other limitations. CAP has qualified/experienced instructors, but no means to access course materials, tests, administrative support, and permissions to conduct classes.

4 CAP Emergency Services Professional Development
Purpose: Provides a multi-faceted approach to accessing FEMA resident and non-resident training programs Streamlining admissions and enrollment for CAP. Opening enrollment for nation-wide access. Building a cadre of CAP Instructors to deliver courses across all Wings. Gives Wing CCs opportunity to guide Wing needs.

5 CAP Emergency Services Professional Development
Types of Courses: *E-Series: FEMA/EMI resident courses. Registration is endorsed by Wing CC; not state or regional FEMA offices. *E-Series T-t-T: FEMA/EMI resident courses. Registration recommended by Wing CC, endorsed by CAP/DO, and approved by EMI Program Manager; only taught at EMI. L-Series FEMA non-resident courses. Registration is approved by Wing CC and host *Travel Reimbursed/Lodging Free

6 CAP Emergency Services Professional Development
Types of Courses: L-Series CAP Instructed non-resident courses. Registration endorsed by Wing CC and testing/certificates are provided through eServices on Learning Management System (LMS). G-Series FEMA Courses. Provided through state Emergency Management Authority (EMA). State establishes enrollment policies and approves attendance. G-Series CAP Instructed FEMA Courses. Taught by NHQ approved instructors; testing and certificates through LMS.

7 CAP Emergency Services Professional Development
CAP L and G Series Course Delivery Process: Wing CC approves and requests course to be taught. Certified instructors and materials provided by CAP/DO. Funding comes from Wing for travel, lodging, printing, advertising, services/supplies, and facilities. Appropriated training funds may be used with prior coordination. Instructors enroll student CAPIDs through CAP/DOSI Upon completion students take tests in eServices/LMS. eServices provides results and certificates; records updated

8 CAP Emergency Services Professional Development
Indicates not available

9 CAP Emergency Services Professional Development

10 CAP Emergency Services Professional Development

11 CAP Emergency Services Professional Development
Names & CAPIDS

12 CAP Emergency Services Professional Development
Courses: ICS 300 & 400 G191 - EOC/ICS Interface G235 - Emergency Management Planning G289 - Public Information PIO Awareness G Public Information Basic PIO G291 - JIC/JIS Planning and Operations G775 - EOC Operations & Planning

13 CAP Emergency Services Professional Development
Courses: O305 - All Hazards Incident Management Team L950 - All Hazards Incident Commander L952 - All Hazards Public Information Officer L954 - All Hazards Safety Officer L956 - All Hazards Liaison Officer L958 - All Hazards Operations Section Chief L960 - All Hazards Division/Group Supervisor

14 CAP Emergency Services Professional Development
Courses: L962 - All Hazards Planning Section Chief L967 - All Hazards Logistics Section Chief L973 - All Hazards Finance & Admin Sec Chief L984 - All Hazards Task Force/Strike Team Leader L986 - All Hazards Air Support Group Supervisor L987 - All Hazards Introduction to Air Operations

15 CAP Emergency Services Instructor Certification
Purpose: Provides a nation-wide cadre of highly qualified/certified instructors to conduct DHS and FEMA sponsored Emergency Management, Incident Command, Incident Management Team/Position Specific, Communications, and Public Information Officer Courses / Testing / Certification for CAP.

16 CAP Emergency Services Instructor Certification
Based upon: Recommendations/Approvals (Wing/CC and CAP/DO) Completion of both Basic and Train-the-Trainer Courses Ops Quals and Incident Management experience DHS/FEMA Instructor - Course Qualification Standards Teaching credentials and experience Validation testing (eServices/LMS)

17 CAP Emergency Services Instructor Certification
Universal Credential Criteria: Required for all CAP Instructors teaching DHS/FEMA courses and using tests and certificates administered through NHQ eServices/LMS. Course Specific Criteria: Required to teach individual G, O, and L series courses for CAP

18 CAP Emergency Services Instructor Certification
Universal Credential Criteria: Members must be, Recommended by Wing/CC to be a CAP Instructor. Approved by CAP/DO (CAP - AHJ). Recognized by a state/or government agency (USAF, FEMA, EPA, Fire/EMS etc) as an instructor/teacher. Licensed, certified, or credentialed as an instructor or teacher (e.g. State Department of Education, NFPA, IFSAC/ProBoard, EMI, CDP, NAEMSE. * Two years adult learning and teaching experience. Completion of ICS 300 & 400 – new IS 100, 200, 700, 800 (* May be waived by NHQ/DO)

19 CAP Emergency Services Instructor Certification
Course Specific Criteria: Required to teach individual G, O, and L series courses. G 191, G775, and ICS 300/400 Completion of E449 ICS Instructor Course IC2 qualified or in training Completion of LMS Test with 90% score Experience teaching the course outside of CAP Meet specific FEMA Instructor requirements for teaching G-Series course

20 CAP Emergency Services Instructor Certification
Course Specific Criteria: Required to teach individual G, O, and L series courses. All-Hazards Position Specific Courses (L-900 Series) Completion of basic and TTT Course Completion of Course (Recommended). CAP Certification in position within SQTRs (2 years). Completion of LMS Test with 90% score.

21 CAP Emergency Services Instructor Certification
Course Specific Criteria: 0-305 (All-Hazards IMT) ICS 300/400 Instructor Completion of FEMA Basic and TTT Course Completion of LMS testing with 90% Completion of one FEMA All-Hazards IC, OSC, or PSC Position Specific Course

22 CAP Emergency Services Instructor Certification
Course Specific Criteria: G235 – Completion of In-Resident Course G289, 290, and 291 (FEMA PIO Courses) CAP Master PAO (Lead Instructor, Assts – Senior PAO) Completion of All-Hazards PIO Course (TTT preferred) Demonstrated performance of skills outlined in FEMA Instructor criteria for courses Completion of course and LMS testing with 90% score Approved by CAP/PA and CAP/DO

23 CAP Emergency Services Instructor Certification
Course Specific Criteria: Communications Communications Unit Leader (COML) Instructor - COML Position Task Book Signed off - COML Course and T-T-T Course - Current ICS 100a, 200b, 300, 400, 700a, 800c - Recommended and approved by CAP/DOK and CAP/DO - Approved by DHS/Office of Emergency Communications Specific questions about CAP & COML or AUXCOMM should be sent to CAP/DOK:

24 CAP Emergency Services Instructor Certification
Course Specific Criteria: Communications AUXCOMM Instructor - DHS/OEC approved COML instructor - Completed DHS/OEC AUXCOMM Course - Amateur Radio License, General Class or higher 3+ years - Recommended and approved by CAP/DOK and CAP/DO - Final endorsement for teaching approved by DHS/OEC Note: All COML and AUXCOMM courses are coordinated by CAP/DOK, CAP/DO and approved by DHS/OEC

25 CAP Emergency Services Instructor Re-Certification
Recertification Criteria: Recommended by Wing CC and approved by CAP/DO. Accomplished every three years. Individual instructors should teach class once each year for ICS 300/400 and once ever two years for other G, L and O courses, preferably more often though.

26 CAP Emergency Services FEMA/EMI Academies
Professional Development and Advance Professional Series Capstones are going away soon. Replaced by FEMA Emergency Management Professional Program of Basic, Advanced, and Executive Academies Basic Academy is one 2-week and four 2/3-day courses with 159 hours taught at EMI and in 12 states. Advanced Academy is four classes all taught at EMI. Executive Academy is four classes all taught at EMI. CAP is looking at teaching Basic Academy at NESA, other ES academies and at National Conference (2-day classes).

27 CAP Emergency Services FEMA/EMI Academies
CAP Requirements for Teaching Basic Academy Significant Emergency Management, not just CAP ES experience. Qualified CAP ES Instructor. Completion of Basic FEMA Academy TTT at EMI Willingness to teach all five classes. Approved by CAP/DO.

28 Questions?

29 Contact for further Questions
Lt Col / Dr. Bob Ditch (480) or

30 Idea Comment Recommend keeping bullets brief, not paragraphs. Generally we try to follow the rule. Quite simply, this “Rule” says that each PowerPoint slide should have one main idea, a maximum of six bullet points, and a maximum of six words per bullet point. Obviously that rule is trumped by being able to truly get the thought and point across. Consider who will be briefing and receiving this information and how. If personnel will be reviewing independently, more may be needed on the slide itself, or details provided in the notes. Consider using pictures, charts or images, but be sure that we have the rights to use them before including them, and if data is perishable or dated, mark it accordingly.

31 Idea Comment Recommend keeping bullets brief, not paragraphs. Generally we try to follow the rule. Quite simply, this “Rule” says that each PowerPoint slide should have one main idea, a maximum of six bullet points, and a maximum of six words per bullet point. Obviously that rule is trumped by being able to truly get the thought and point across. Consider who will be briefing and receiving this information and how. If personnel will be reviewing independently, more may be needed on the slide itself, or details provided in the notes. Consider using pictures, charts or images, but be sure that we have the rights to use them before including them, and if data is perishable or dated, mark it accordingly.

32 Rank First Last Title e-mail address
Questions? Rank First Last Title address Adding in your mailing address and telephone numbers are optional. Suggest that you use your cap address if you have one since briefings are often times posted publicly One Civil Air Patrol, excelling in service to our nation and our members!

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