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Drama 5 Date: Objective Relationships

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1 Drama 5 Date: Objective Relationships
To focus on the other characters in the story who are not the main character. To examine those characters relationships to the main character.

2 Warm-up In Disney’s Toy Story, this villain (Cid) loves damaging toys. He does not know they are alive and so burns, rips and destroys them. He is not a nice guy. Now imagine you are him. Your toys start to move and attack you. Write two to three sentences about what this character might be thinking.

3 Notes – notes copy Point of view: The angle from which a story is told or narrated. (Readers know only as much as the narrator knows so the identity of the narrator is important.) Protagonist: The main character. Antagonist: The main character’s enemy or opposition. (Important thought: From Cid’s point of view, he is the protagonist and his evil toys are attacking him. They are the bad guys. He was just letting out his frustration on lifeless objects. No character ever thinks they are the bad guy.)

4 Our third play - Fish In pairs, your task will be to go through the play and attach reasons for why characters do what they do. This is the act of creating back-stories, examining motivations and looking at different points of view. Every answer you give will be in the P.Q.E. format. Point – make a statement about what you think or believe. Quote – reference the play with a “quote”. Explain – how is the point and quote related? Expand on your point.

5 Some examples on what to look at.
Little girl wins a new fish – why? Joey is unhappy about this – why? Goldie is excited about moving in – why? We are told that the brother is mean to fish – why? We are told that the sister tries colouring in the fish – why? The sister feeds them a pineapple chunk – why? The parents look after the fish – why? Joey is nice to Goldie in the end – why? Have some fun with your answers. There are no wrong ones. Try and keep in the realm of reality and away from Harry Potter answers though  Remember P.Q.E.



8 Questions – continue the P.Q.E. format.
Who is the protagonist in your opinion? Who are the antagonists in your opinion? From who’s point of view is the story told do you think? What do you think the theme or meaning of the play was? Focus on what changes from the beginning to the end in your answer.

9 Learning Objectives Today
Drama Date: Relationships 2 Learning Objectives Today To look in more depth at relationships in plays. To create a play.

10 Warm-ups get our brains going. Exercise copy
What is the best pet in the world and why? Three to four sentences in your argument and try to convince us why you are correct.

11 Notes – notes copy Dynamic: A dynamic character is a person who changes over time. Static: A static character is someone who does not change over time. (Important thought: Most of the time, other characters primary roles are to affect the main character. They are there to change him or her.)

12 Creation of play#2 Your next task, in pairs, is to create a play with the same plot, theme and type of characters as ‘Fish’. You are free to choose the type of animal the characters will bee (ha ha). Please name the play that animal. Again, follow the same page format. Make sure you have two pets/actors/people with lines.





17 Homework Read the next play - #5 Forgetting
Cast: Jason, Mum, Dad, Jackie(sister). Think about what the problems are in the story and possible solutions.



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