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CPSC 641: Project Brainstorming

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1 CPSC 641: Project Brainstorming
Carey Williamson Department of Computer Science University of Calgary Winter 2018

2 Course Project Overview
A “typical” course project might involve: choosing a topic and perf eval methodology designing/building appropriate testbed, environment, or platform for your project extend/customize system as needed obtain relevant data/measurements needed design suitable experiment: clear goal, identify factors, levels, performance metrics obtain and describe (new/interesting) results

3 Project Timeline By Tuesday, February 27: By Monday, April 16:
One-page project proposal (not marked) Issues: uniqueness, relevance, fit, scale, data By Monday, April 16: Submit page research paper (hardcopy) Worth 50% of your grade in CPSC 641 Eval: problem statement, lit review, method, results, writing style, originality, difficulty, etc.

4 Examples of Past Projects
Benchmarking dynamic Web content generation Web browsing over wireless/mobile networks Traffic classification using machine learning Temporal locality in multimedia workloads WWW2007 Web workload characterization Benchmarking modern Web browsers Probabilistic key distribution in WSNs Measurements and analysis of IP-TV Characterizing performance of multi-core Web servers Peer-assisted video streaming

5 Possible Project Ideas
Wavelet-based traffic modeling/forecasting DASH-based video streaming Multi-path TCP (MPTCP) performance Wavelength assignment in WDM optical networks Energy efficient routing in WSNs Office 365 traffic characterization DNS-based attacks on U of C network HTTP/2.0 deployment and performance D2L caching and/or content acceleration Design and performance of Netflix CDN PyeongChang 2018 video streaming traffic Social network analysis and visualization

6 Experimental Equipment
Rack-mounted clients and servers Several routers and switches WiMAX modem Web proxy caching appliance Wireless laptops, PDAs, and APs Wireless network analyzers Gigabit Ethernet LAN analyzer Wireless video cameras Wireless sensor motes Access to SAVI national testbed for SDN

7 Some Available Simulators
ns-2 network simulator (TCP packet level) ns-3 network simulator OMNET++ simulator Web proxy caching simulator ATM-TN simulator (ATM cell-level) IP-TN simulator (U of C) IP-TNE network emulator (U of C) Mininet network emulator Speed scaling simulator

8 Some Useful Software Tools
Synthetic Web proxy workload generation Web client traffic model (mosaic, 1995) LRD traffic analysis (R/S, V-T, AC, etc) GUI for traffic modeling/analysis (synTraff) Wavelet-based traffic model (MWM) Synthetic MPEG video trace generation GISMO (Generator for Internet Streaming Media Objects) BRITE Internet Topology Emulator netalyzr tool for benchmarking network paths tcpanaly tool for TCP trace analysis

9 Public Traces and Data Sets
CRAWDAD: Community Resource for Archiving Wireless Data at Dartmouth ( CAIDA: Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis ( Internet Traffic Archive ( Bellcore Ethernet LAN trace (1989) LBL TCP/IP packet traces (1990) Web server access logs (1996)

10 Local U of C Datasets Connection-level summary logs for U of C inbound/outbound Internet traffic (hourly/daily/monthly for 10+ years) UcalgaryBlogs Web server access log Carey’s archives (3 years of data)

11 Dataset #1: UCalgaryBlogs Web Server
What: about 16 months of Web server access log data from UCalgaryBlogs Web server (1 GB .gz file) Objective: characterization of Web site usage Possible analyses: Which of the hosted Web sites get the most activity? Popularity analysis (URL based, Zipf-like distributions) Traffic analysis (volume, time of day, day of week, sizes) Longitudinal analysis (growth trends, seasonal effects) Geographical analysis (IP geolocation of Web clients) Security analysis (denial of service attacks) D2L analysis (logout activity)

12 Example: Data Format [24/Jan/2016:03:15: ] "GET /2013/03/04/krazy-kats-remarkably-changing-dynamics/ HTTP/1.1" 200 8054 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/ (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" [24/Jan/2016:03:15: ] "GET /2013/04/24/manga-vs-comics-another-perspective/ HTTP/1.1" "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/ (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" [24/Jan/2016:03:15: ] "POST /wp-login.php HTTP/1.1" " php" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; 125LA; .NET CLR ; .NET CLR ; .NET CLR 3.5. 21022)" [24/Jan/2016:03:15: ] "POST /wp-signup.php HTTP/1.0" " p.php?action=register" "Opera/9.80 (Windows NT 6.2; Win64; x64) Presto/ Version/12.17" [24/Jan/2016:03:15: ] "POST /wp-login.php HTTP/1.1" " [24/Jan/2016:03:15: ] "GET /2013/02/27/why-the-web-slinger/ HTTP/1.1" "-" "Mozilla/5. 0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/ (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" [24/Jan/2016:03:15: ] "POST /wp-login.php HTTP/1.1" "

13 Dataset #2: Email Archive
What: about 3 years of “sent-mail” archive (1 GB) recorded by the pine mail reading client on Linux Objective: characterization of usage Possible analyses: “The Chronicles: A Year in the Life of a CPSC Head” Workload characterization (volume, size, attachments) Temporal analysis of usage (date timestamps) Topical analysis (subject header for theme river analysis) Social network analysis (CPSC, FoS, UofC, research, etc) Seasonal analysis (spiral model a la Charles Perrin) Note: Confidentiality agreement would be required before working with this data

14 Example: Metadata Date: Thu, 1 Jan 2015 11:50:14 -0700 (MST)
From: Carey Williamson To: Ken Barker Subject: Re: What to include in the Executive Summary? Date: Thu, 1 Jan :54: (MST) Subject: Re: Unit Reviewers Date: Fri, 2 Jan :57: (MST) To: Niklas Carlsson Subject: Re: Happy New Year 2015 Date: Fri, 2 Jan :28: (MST) To: Carey Williamson Subject: [Hiring-cpsc-l] CRC Advertisements for Revision (fwd) Date: Tue, 1 Oct :50:05 From: Erin Moloney To: Subject: [Hiring-cpsc-l] CRC Advertisements for Revision

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