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Speaker: Maria Eugenia GIUNTA FORNASIN Organisation: EID Méditerranée

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1 Speaker: Maria Eugenia GIUNTA FORNASIN Organisation: EID Méditerranée
POSBEMED Sustainable management of the systems of Posidonia Beaches in Mediterranean Region Speaker: Maria Eugenia GIUNTA FORNASIN Organisation: EID Méditerranée General cover including the logos of all the partners in PANACeA and the Interreg icons. In this case the name of the Barcelona meeting would be common for all participants, changing only the name of the author. “Bridging the Science-Practice-Policy Gap in Mediterranean Biodiversity Protection” 23-24 October 2017, Barcelona MED Biodiversity Protection Community

2 POSBEMED Sustainable management of the systems of Posidonia Beaches in Mediterranean Region
18 months € (85% ERDF) Lead partner: EID Méditerranée 5 European partners OBEJCTIVES :  To identify and analyze the current management and provide a socioeconomic evaluation synthesis of its ecosystem services  Integrate and adapt tools for management of Posidonia beach/dunes in local sustainable growth and good practice guidelines  To propose a model of governance and a common strategy for the management of Posidonia beach/dune systems in the Mediterranean protected areas

3 Questionnaire on management
POSBEMED Sustainable management of the systems of Posidonia Beaches in Mediterranean Region FIRST RESULTS Questionnaire on management in France PACA Region : 3 administrative districts 58 local councils consulted, 46 concerned by banquettes, 22 accepted to answer Between April and June French legislation forbids all removal of banquettes, 80% remove them at least once a year in order to prepare beaches for holidays 55% public technical department is in charge of this 86% use heavy machinery (excavator or screener). Questionnaires on management were done by EID Méditerranée with the participation of all project partners. These questionnaires were conducted on the coasts of PACA region, which are the most exposed to Posidonia grounding. For a total of 58 local councils, 46 are concerned by the presence of banquettes on their beaches and only 22 accepted to answer the questionnaire. These local councils belong to 3 administrative districts of French Mediterranean coastal zone. Previous appointments were set with technical departments in charge of beach management between April and June, when Posidonia banquettes are present. French legislation forbids all removal of banquettes, however, 91% of local councils remove them at least once a year between April and June in order to prepare beaches for holidays. For 55% of local councils, public technical department is in charge of this activity and 86% of them use heavy machinery (excavator or screener).

4 Questionnaires on management Questionnaires on management
POSBEMED Sustainable management of the systems of Posidonia Beaches in Mediterranean Region FIRST RESULTS Questionnaires on management in Greece Questionnaires on management in Sardinia

5 Questionnaire on perception
POSBEMED Sustainable management of the systems of Posidonia Beaches in Mediterranean Region FIRST RESULTS Questionnaire on perception in France PACA Region : 3 administrative districts 200 beach users Between April and June 44% had a very or quite negative feeling about banquettes 86% information about Posidonia and its ecological role is insufficient 49% didn’t have a previous knowledge about the role of banquettes for beach and dune conservation How do you consider the presence of banquettes of Posidonia on beaches? Questionnaires on the perception of beach users were done by IMC foundation with participation of all project partners. These questionnaires were conducted in PACA region at the same time that questionnaires on management. Results were analyzed from 200 surveys from users (inhabitants and tourists) of different nationalities, age, gender, social levels, etc. 44% of interviewed people had a very or quite negative feeling about Posidonia banquettes, and besides their presence hold sway over their choice of beach. 86% of users consider that information about Posidonia and its ecological role is insufficient and 49% didn’t have a previous knowledge about the role of banquettes for beach and dune conservation.

6 POSBEMED Sustainable management of the systems of Posidonia Beaches in Mediterranean Region
CALENDAR OF ACTIVITIES Ending of 2017 2 webinars SWOT analysis Benchmarking practices Beginning of 2018 PSC on Greece Webinars: Ecosystems services of P.O., banquettes and coastal systems Best management practices along the Mediterranean coast (results of questionnaires and littérature review)

7 Maria Eugenia GIUNTA FORNASIN Project officer - EID Méditerranée
MED Biodiversity Protection Community Your Contact details and PANACeA’s website

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