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Use a simple business spreadsheet provided by the centre

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1 Use a simple business spreadsheet provided by the centre

2 Pass- Candidates will enter at least one row of data.
Delete this and use screen dumps to show things like: Show before and after screen dumps of this happening - ( in row 8 there needs to be details for ‘Ramadan Nasheeds’ for each of the months. Jan –23, Feb 45, Mar –78, Apr –67, May –56, June –89, July –34, Aug –89, Sept –67, Oct –56, Nov –88, Dec23) (in row 9 – there needs to be details for ‘Eid Nasheeds’ for each of the months. Jan – 35, Feb -65, Mar –34, Apr –87, May –23, Jun –78, Jul -35, Aug -64, Sept -86, Oct -24, Nov -76, Dec -54) PLACE STUDENT NAME HERE AND CENTRE DETAILS

3 Pass- They will change some existing data.
Delete this and use screen dumps to show things like: Do a before and after screen shot showing that you have changed this - ( in cell E4 – it should read 10) PLACE STUDENT NAME HERE AND CENTRE DETAILS

4 Pass- There will be some limited evidence of formatting.
Delete this and use screen dumps to show things like: Do before and after screen shots to show this - ( rows could be colour coded, titles could be bigger, font could be easier to read and be a more suitable style) PLACE STUDENT NAME HERE AND CENTRE DETAILS

5 Merit- Candidates will enter at least one row of data.
Delete this and use screen dumps to show things like: Show before and after screen dumps of this happening - ( in row 8 there needs to be details for ‘Ramadan Nasheeds’ for each of the months. Jan –23, Feb 45, Mar –78, Apr –67, May –56, June –89, July –34, Aug –89, Sept –67, Oct –56, Nov –88, Dec23) (in row 9 – there needs to be details for ‘Eid Nasheeds’ for each of the months. Jan – 35, Feb -65, Mar –34, Apr –87, May –23, Jun –78, Jul -35, Aug -64, Sept -86, Oct -24, Nov -76, Dec -54) Annotate it to explain the process PLACE STUDENT NAME HERE AND CENTRE DETAILS

6 Merit- They will change some existing data and note the results.
Delete this and use screen dumps to show things like: Do before and after screen shots to show you have done this - ( in cell E4 – it should read 10 – annotate to explain how that affects the totals and the averages? Also cell B6 should read – 23. Annotate to explain how that affects the totals and the averages?) PLACE STUDENT NAME HERE AND CENTRE DETAILS

Merit- They will carry out formatting using at least two different types of formatting feature. Delete this and use screen dumps to show things like: Do before and after screen shots to show this - ( think about how the months of the text could be better aligned if it was altered to 90degrees, also, think about how the column widths and row widths could be better, think about how borders could be used to separate parts of the spreadsheet.) Annotate to explain the process of doing it PLACE STUDENT NAME HERE AND CENTRE DETAILS

8 Merit- They will create a simple chart using some of the data.
Delete this and use screen dumps to show things like: Show screen dumps of creating a chart of the following - (showing the nasheeds downloaded for the months of the year) Annatate to explain the process PLACE STUDENT NAME HERE AND CENTRE DETAILS

9 Distinction - Candidates will enter at least one row of data.
Delete this and use screen dumps to show things like: Use evidence from the merit slide and paste here PLACE STUDENT NAME HERE AND CENTRE DETAILS

Distinction - They will change some existing data and note the results. Delete this and use screen dumps to show things like: Use the evidence from the merit slide You could also change some other data and note some results PLACE STUDENT NAME HERE AND CENTRE DETAILS

Distinction - They will format the sheet appropriately using at least three different types of formatting feature. Delete this and use screen dumps to show things like: Do before and after shots to show things like - ( think about how the months of the text could be better aligned if it was altered to 90degrees, also, think about how the column widths and row widths could be better, think about how borders could be used to separate parts of the spreadsheet, formatting the numbers which show the downloads, and consider using colour in parts of the spreadsheet) Annotate to explain why you made choices PLACE STUDENT NAME HERE AND CENTRE DETAILS

12 Distinction – They will print out the spreadsheet.
Delete this and use screen dumps to show things like: Show the process of printing as screen shots. Make use of things like : print area…. Annotate to explain why you made certain choices with preferences when printing…. PLACE STUDENT NAME HERE AND CENTRE DETAILS

Distinction – They will create a simple chart using some of the data, adding a title and suitable labels. Delete this and use screen dumps to show things like: Create a chart for this - (showing the nasheeds downloaded for the months of the year) Make sure, using screen dumps, you show the process of setting up the chart, making sure you also include titles and labels. Annotate to explain reasons for your choices. PLACE STUDENT NAME HERE AND CENTRE DETAILS

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