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2 This presentation explains the functionalities available for a Project Manager role in the Control Tower application Project manager role user can upload Raw data sheet for the project Project manager role user can generate Customer feedback link for the project. What a Project manager role user cannot do. Project manager cannot upload Customer feedback manually into the Application Project manager cannot create user or assign Project manager role to another user Project manager can not generate Feedback lint unless and until he/she is assigned as PM role in Control tower.

3 Login page Login to the application

4 Login page

5 Customer Feedback Login page
In Control tower, Project manager can generate the customer feedback link after giving necessary inputs like month for which feedback is generated, project id and client name. A system generated mail which contains external-URL-link is send to the Customer and cc-ed to the respective PM. Once Customer access the feedback link and submits feedback, Project manager as well as nominated SQA members will get a notification mail. This link would expire after 15 days of generation. On 14th day , a system generated reminder mail is sent to the customer to fill the feedback form. If link expires, Project manager has to re-generate the link again.

6 Generate Customer feedback menu
Project manager only have the access to this page

7 Customer Feedback Requisition form
Login page


9 Format of the email sent to Customer for feedback

10 Format of the email of Feedback received to Project manager

11 Thank you slide: Thankyou– font size 30, Arial Bold Name & Designation – font size 18, Arial normal Your/contact id – font size 18, Arial normal

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