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Respiratory System.

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1 Respiratory System


3 Lesson 1: Warm-up Activity
In your group answer the following question: How do your digestive, circulatory, and respiratory systems work together?

4 - The Respiratory System

5 Lesson 1: Goal By the end of the period, you will understand the function of the Respiratory System and also be able to answer the question, “Why Does the Body Need Oxygen?”.

6 Respiratory System What does it do?
It moves oxygen from the outside environment into the body Removes carbon dioxide and water

7 Lesson 1 Guided Practice
In your group, answer the question in your packet: Why does the body need oxygen?

8 Why does the body need oxygen?
Without oxygen, cells cannot “burn” nutrients to release energy

9 Happy Monday! Respiratory system brings ? Digestive system provides ?
On a half sheet of paper, answer the following without your notes. When the respiratory, circulatory and digestive systems work together, what is the final product: Respiratory system brings ? Digestive system provides ? Circulatory system carries to body cells to make ?

10 Lesson 2: Goal By the end of the period, you will to the list organs involved in the Path of Air in order.

11 Respiratory Tract The Path of Air Nose Pharynx Larynx Trachea Bronchi
Lungs and Bronchioles Alveoli

12 Pathway of Air 1- Nose/Mouth 2- Pharynx 3- Larynx 4- Trachea
5- Bronchi 6- Lungs 6- Bronchioles 7- Alveoli Diaphragm – Air does not travel through here

13 Pathway of Air 1- Nose 2- Mouth 3- Larynx 4- Lungs 5- Bronchi
6- Diaphragm 7- Pharynx 8- Trachea 9- Bronchi 10- Bronchioles 11- Alveoli

14 Path of Air: 1) Nose and 1) Mouth
The organ where air enters the body. Secondary entry for air into the body

15 Path of Air: 2) Pharynx (Throat)
After air enters the nose/mouth it moves downward to the pharynx

16 Path of Air: 3) Larynx Passage way for air
Epiglottis is present to close of digestive path Voice box

17 Your Voice Larynx- Voice box located in the top part of the trachea, underneath the epiglottis Vocal Cords- Folds of connective tissue that stretch across the opening of the larynx, which produce your voice

18                                          ... and infection of the trachea. 289 x k - jpg Path of Air: 4) Trachea It is the windpipe leading from the pharynx to the lungs. The walls of the trachea are made with rings of cartilage, which protect it from collapsing.

19 Path of Air: 5) Bronchi The passages that direct air into the lungs.

20 Path of Air: 6) Lungs and Bronchioles
The lungs are the main organ of the respiratory system, where air moves through smaller and smaller bronchi (bronchioles) until it reaches the alveoli.

21 Path of Air: 7) Alveoli Alveoli are tiny sacs of lung tissue specialized for the movement between air and blood. (Look like grapes)

22 Lesson 2 Guided Practice
EXIT CARD On your index card, list the organs involved in the path of air in order. Here is your word bank: Lungs Pharynx Trachea Nose Bronchi Bronchioles Alveoli

23 Lesson 2: Warm-up Activity
What effects a person’s breathing?

24 Lesson 3: Warm-up Activity
On your own, write the answer to the following question: What is the difference between breathing and respiration?

25 Respiration What is it? The process in which oxygen and glucose undergo a complex series of chemical reactions inside cells.

26 Respiration Process in which oxygen and glucose undergo a complex series of chemical reactions inside the cells Different from breathing Breathing is movement of air into and out of lungs, while respiration is chemical reactions inside the cells

27 Lesson 3: Goal By the end of the period, you will to the understand how gas exchange occurs in the lungs and also the functions of various organs the are related to the respiratory system.

28 How does gas exchange occur?
Oxygen passes through the alveoli into the blood and carbon dioxide passes out of the blood and into the alveoli.

29 - The Respiratory System

30 - The Respiratory System

31 Diaphragm A large dome-shaped muscle that plays an important part in breathing.

32 Your Circulatory and Respiratory Systems
LESSON 3 Your Circulatory and Respiratory Systems BIG IDEA Your heart is the center of your circulatory system, and your lungs are the center of your respiratory system. Problems Affecting the Respiratory System Lesson Home

33 Respiratory Diseases Bronchitis- An irritation of the breathing passages in which they become narrower than normal and may be clogged with mucus

34 Respiratory Diseases Emphysema- A serious disease that destroys lung tissue and causes difficulty breathing

35 Respiratory Diseases Lung Cancer- When cancerous growths, or tumors, take away space in the lungs that should be used for gas exchange

36 Respiratory Diseases Asthma- Constriction of the smooth muscles around the respiratory passageways frequently caused by an allergic reaction


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