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March 13, 2017 Agenda • Unit 11 Setup • Why Colonize (3)

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Presentation on theme: "March 13, 2017 Agenda • Unit 11 Setup • Why Colonize (3)"— Presentation transcript:

1 March 13, 2017 Agenda • Unit 11 Setup • Why Colonize (3) • BE BrainPop (4) • Scramble for Africa (5) Warm-up • What is colonization and why would someone want to colonize? Homework: review today’s material

2 Colonization is control by which a central system of power dominates the surrounding land and its components (people, animals etc.)

3 Unit 11 Test Friday March 31, 2017

4 Unit 11: Modern History of Africa
1.Unit 11 Standards 2.Warmup (3/13 –3/17) 3.Why Colonize? 4.BE BrainPop 5.Scramble for Africa

5 Why Colonize Africa?

6 Reasons to colonize Africa
1. Spread Christianity to the “uncivilized” Africans. 2. Get natural resources for European factories. 3. New markets(customers) to buy European goods. 4. National prestige; bragging rights.

7 Problems that prevented Europeans from Colonizing Africa before the late 1800s


9 Transportation •Horses kept dying from the disease Nagana, making it difficult for Europeans to move beyond the coastal areas of Africa.

10 Tropical Illness •Mosquito-borne diseases like Malaria sickened or killed many European settlers.

11 Military Resistance •Many African tribes had strong armies that could easily defeat European invaders.

12 New Technology to the rescue!

13 Transportation •Steam ships allowed Europeans to easily travel up and down the rivers of Africa.

14 Tropical Illness •Daily use of Quinine medicine helped to treat Malaria.

15 Powerful African Armies
•Maxim machine guns made it possible for small units of European soldiers to easily kill thousands of African warriors.




19 BE BrainPop

20 Scramble for Africa


22 What is a reason to colonize?
Daily Closing What is a reason to colonize?

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