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Making the most out of your Ambassador role?

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Presentation on theme: "Making the most out of your Ambassador role?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Making the most out of your Ambassador role?
Presented by Lauren Neve, Coaching Development Manager

2 This Girl Can Essex Ambassadors bursary
Level 1- CPD Level 2- £250 Level 3- £400 What we need to know The impact this will have in your area? Why have you applied for support? The number of women this will benefit? How this will help in your ambassador role?

3 All Together Ambassadors
Please let Hayley and I know if you would like to do; Sport specific courses- Boccia (limited spaces) Fitness related qualifications A specific CPD course to aid your role We can look at how we support you with these moving forward.

4 CPD Opportunities Safeguarding & Protecting Children
The workshop is tailored to meet the needs of coaches, other sports staff and volunteers and is a ‘Minimum Standards for Active Coaches’ requirement. By attending the course you will be made aware of the tell-tale signs of abuse and be equipped with the tools and confidence you need to deal with any issues sensitively, appropriately and effectively. Safeguarding & Protecting Children The Emergency First Aid course delivers basic emergency life support and includes the more common causes and treatment of bleeds, soft tissue and skeletal injuries. Emergency First Aid The workshop will help improve your knowledge, competence and confidence in delivering sports-based activities to disabled people Inclusive Communication Training- EFDS Learn directly from those living with sensory impairments. The training raises awareness of hearing impairments, visual impairments and dual sensory loss (deafblindness) Sensory Awareness Training- ECL Designed to give participants an understanding of the issues that arise for people suffering from mental distress and illness, to challenge myths and reduce stigma and to offer ways to support others experiencing mental distress Mental Health Awareness

5 Make Every Contact Count- MECC training

6 Using behaviour change models
Elliott Flowers

7 Understanding behaviour
Behaviour is what we wish to change It is dynamic and shaped by contextual factors Understanding behaviour is vital if we wish to change it

8 Define problem in behavioural terms
Specify target behaviour Identify what needs to change to achieve target behaviour

9 What conditions need to be present for physical activity behaviour to occur?
Barriers – why lady on the couch- quick fire answers for this What could you do to facilitate the change to get her to 5K?

10 Transtheoretical model
Expand on this a little? Typical one from Sport England and use examples as much as possible- don’t worry too much about the actual names of stages- so left hand side no middle. This is how you might do your delivery with an individual person. Taken from Sport England’s Tackling Inactivity: The Design Principles

11 COM-B More context to this- looking at this as part of the Essex Strategy. Explain a bit more about wha this this means in real life context.

12 Both theories are included in the new strategy

13 Task: how did you become active?
How did you improve your own capability to be physically active? (physically, psychological) How did you motivate yourself to be physically active? What opportunities did you grasp to be physically active? And what were the barriers?

14 How can we change COMs of others?
Using reflection on your own experiences to give their own examples of how you could change the COMs of others?

15 Thank you Any questions???

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