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ESPON 2013 DATABASE Malmö Seminar, 2-3 December 2009

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Presentation on theme: "ESPON 2013 DATABASE Malmö Seminar, 2-3 December 2009"— Presentation transcript:

1 ESPON 2013 DATABASE Malmö Seminar, 2-3 December 2009
Urban data Timothée Giraud and Anne Bretagnolles

2 UMZ – 1. Our Approach Create a semantic link between UMZ and territory by giving them a name based on Local Administrative Units An automatic process aimed at providing a generic methodology Urban expertise to check the results of the automatic process 4357 UMZ > inh. 15450 UMZ between and inh.

3 UMZ – 2. Naming Methodology


5 UMZ – 2. Naming Methodology



8 UMZ – 3. Results & Discussion

9 Challenge 6 : Urban Data Naming the UMZ LUZ Delineations (Urban Audit)
A top-down approach LUZ Delineations (Urban Audit) A bottom-up approach

10 URBAN AUDIT - LUZ Delineations

11 URBAN AUDIT - LUZ Delineations

12 Thank you for your attention !

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