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Common man's Entrepreneurship

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1 Common man's Entrepreneurship


3 You Can… Earn Rs.15,00,000 in next 5 years…
Earn a Royalty of Min.Rs.15,000 / Month in next 5 years… Earn a Pension of Min. Rs.1,00,000 per month after 10 years… Property + Four Wheeler + Office in next 5 years… Gratuity of min. Rs.5,00,000 and a Pension of Rs.1,50,000 per month after 15 yrs…

4 You Can also earn… Property + Four Wheeler + Office in next 5 years…
Gratuity of min. Rs.5,00,000 and a Pension of Rs.1,50,000 per month after 15 yrs…

5 LIC AGENCY… Its about Risk Management Its about Financial Consultancy
Its about Personal Portfolio Management Its about Wealth Management

6 Why People Buy Life Insurance Policy?
Because it is the only arrangement wherein by paying even a small installment, a Big Capital is created immediately… 100 10,00,000

7 Which can be Income Replacement in case of untimely DEATH…
10,00,000 Which can be Income Replacement in case of untimely DEATH… …Or a Permanent Disability Or a Lump-Sum Maturity for Retirement Life

8 10,00,000 It is only arrangement for Guaranteed Fulfillment of Long Term specific Purposes like …. Marriage/ Education It is a provision for Emergency Medical Expenses… …. Or Financial Protection against Mortgages and Liabilities

9 New Endowment Single Premium Endowment Money Back Jeevan Anand
…by advising… New Endowment Money Back Single Premium Endowment Jeevan Anand Jeevan Rakshak Anmol Jeevan Jeevan Shagun …need based LIC Plans…

10 …Read on the Unique Benefits for An LIC AGENT
So… What’s In It For You ? …Read on the Unique Benefits for An LIC AGENT

11 Earning Zones in Life B E Business Owners Employment S I
Self-Employment I Investors

12 Employee Business Owner Self – Employed Investors
Fixed Monthly Income Fixed & Strict Time Schedule Pension & Gratuity after Retirement Income Growth depends on Employers Policies Business Owner Earns The Royalty Income One has to make huge investments, lot of Risks & sacrifices involves initially. Self – Employed Can decided his own working Hrs Investment for Establishments. Income is directly Proportional to Efforts Competition is always ahead. Investors Earns long term Returns / interests on the Assets & Other Investments Risk is directly proportional with the Behavior of MARKET

13 What do you want ? Specific Regular Income ?
Working Hours, as per your choice? Income which is directly Proportional to your Efforts? Pensions & Gratuity after Retirement? Royalty Income on work done ? Long term Returns in the way of House, Four-Wheelers, Office? If you NEED all these in your life, you have to Develop Entrepreneurship As an… “ Insurance Agent”

14 Un-Matched Commission…
How Could You Earn ? LIC Offers You the Un-Matched Commission… Earnings 1st Year 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Commission 35% 7.5% 5% And So On…

15 How It Works ?

16 all you need to do… To Promote Business with min. Rs.1000/- per month savings… and…do… One Policy Every Week, 4 Policies Every month 50 Policies in a Year 250 policies at the earliest

17 1st year 9,100 Month Policies FP Commission FY Renewal commission
Total Apr 4 1,400 - May 2,800 Jun 4,200 July 5,600 Aug 7,000 Sept 8,400 Oct 9,800 Nov 11,200 Dec 12,600 Jan 14,000 Feb 15,400 March 16,800 Total for The Year 1,09,200 Avg. per month 9,100

18 2nd year 18,750 Month Policies FP Commission FY Renewal commission
Total Apr 4 1,400 15,400 300 17,100 May 600 17,400 Jun 900 17,700 July 1200 18,000 Aug 1500 18,300 Sept 1800 18,600 Oct 2100 18,900 Nov 2400 19,200 Dec 2700 19,500 Jan 3000 19,800 Feb 3300 20,100 March 3600 20,400 Total for The Year 2,25,000 Avg. per month 18,750

19 3rd year 22,350 Month Policies FP Commission FY Renewal commission
Total Apr 4 1,400 15,400 3,900 20,700 May 4,200 21,000 Jun 4,500 21,300 July 4,800 21,600 Aug 5,100 21,900 Sept 5,400 22,200 Oct 5,700 22,500 Nov 6,000 22,800 Dec 6,300 23,100 Jan 6,600 23,400 Feb 6,900 23,700 March 7,200 24,000 Total for The Year 2,68,200 Avg. per month 22,350

20 4th year 25,300 Month Policies FP Commission FY Renewal commission
Total Apr 4 1,400 15,400 7,400 24,200 May 7,600 24,400 Jun 7,800 24,600 July 8,000 24,800 Aug 8,200 25,000 Sept 8,400 25,200 Oct 8,600 25,400 Nov 8,800 25,600 Dec 9,000 25,800 Jan 9,200 26,000 Feb 9,400 26,200 March 9,600 26,400 Total for The Year 3,03,600 Avg. per month 25,300

21 5th year 27,700 Month Policies FP Commission FY Renewal commission
Total Apr 4 1,400 15,400 9,800 26,600 May 10,000 26,800 Jun 10,200 27,000 July 10,400 27,200 Aug 10,600 27,400 Sept 10,800 27,600 Oct 11,000 27,800 Nov 11,200 28,000 Dec 11,400 28,200 Jan 11,600 28,400 Feb 11,800 28,600 March 12,000 28,800 Total for The Year 3,32,400 Avg. per month 27,700

22 6th Year 21,000 Month Policies FP Commission FY Renewal commission
Total Apr - 15,400 12,200 27,600 May 14,000 12,400 26,400 Jun 12,600 25,200 July 11,200 12,800 24,000 Aug 9,800 13,000 22,800 Sept 8,400 13,200 21,600 Oct 7,000 13,400 20,400 Nov 5,600 13,600 19,200 Dec 4,200 13,800 18,000 Jan 2,800 16,800 Feb 14,00 14,200 15,600 March 14,300 Total for The Year 2,52,000 Avg. per month 21,000

23 7th Year 13,750 /- Month Policies FP Commission FY Renewal commission
Total Apr - 14,300 May 14,200 Jun 14,100 July 14,000 Aug 13,900 Sept 13,800 Oct 13,700 Nov 13,600 Dec 13,500 Jan 13,400 Feb 13,300 March 13,200 Total for The Year 1,65,000 Avg. per month 13,750 /-

24 8th Year 12,550 /- Month Policies FP Commission FY Renewal commission
Total Apr - 13,100 May 13,000 Jun 12,900 July 12,800 Aug 12,700 Sept 12,600 Oct 12,500 Nov 12,400 Dec 12,300 Jan 12,200 Feb 12,100 March 12,000 Total for The Year 1,50,600 Avg. per month & for Minimum 20 years 12,550 /-

25 …And You will be Licensed to Fulfill your Dreams…

26 Earn as you Desire

27 The Club Membership Benefits
Interest Free Vehicle Advance Housing 5% Office Allowances Air fare for attending Conferences Advances for Marriage, Festivals, Computers and so on…

28 See What you have ? Specific Regular Income = Min.15,000
Working Hours= Min.2 Hrs. as per our choice Income which is directly Proportional to your Efforts Pensions & Gratuity after Retirement = Yes Royalty Income on your work done = Yes Hereditary Commission = Yes Long term Returns in the way of House, Four-Wheelers, Office = Yes If you NEED all these in your life, you have to Develop Entrepreneurship As a…“ Insurance Agent”

29 Contact us Mr A Sundarrajan SBA & Team A.Sundarrajan C.H.Chandran Give your career wings to fly ! Call us today

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