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Presentation on theme: "Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review

2 Phonological analysis
Be able to do a phonological analysis on a data set as we have in class and on the homework

3 Epenthesi What is it?

4 Epenthesi What is it? Adding a sound

5 Epenthesi What is it? Adding a sound What is transitional epenthesis?

6 Epenthesi What is it? What is transitional epenthesis? Adding a sound
Adding a sound that is a natural transition between 2 consonants

7 Epenthesi Why epenthesize?

8 Epenthesi Why epenthesize? Break up odd or illicit cononant clusters
Transition between consonants

9 Hiatus What is it?

10 Hiatus What is it? Two adjacent vowels in different syllables

11 Hiatus What is it? What is hiatus avoidance?
Two adjacent vowels in different syllables What is hiatus avoidance?

12 Hiatus What is it? What is hiatus avoidance?
Two adjacent vowels in different syllables What is hiatus avoidance? Breaking up hiatus With [r] or with glottal stop

13 Deletion Why does it happen?

14 Deletion Why does it happen? To eliminate consonant clusters

15 Deletion Why does it happen? What is the role of frequency?
To eliminate consonant clusters What is the role of frequency?

16 Deletion Why does it happen? What is the role of frequency?
To eliminate consonant clusters What is the role of frequency? Deletion happens more in highly frequent words

17 Syllables What evidence is there that they are real?

18 Syllables What evidence is there that they are real?
They are used in poetry Phonological processes make reference to them The existence of syllabaries Blends respect the rime Language games manipulate the syllable

19 Syllables What are the parts of the syllable?

20 Syllables What are the parts of the syllable?

21 Syllables What is a maximal template?

22 Syllables What is a maximal template?
How do deletion an epenthesis relate to it?

23 Syllables What is maximizing the onset?

24 Syllables What is maximizing the onset?
Putting all C in the onset not the coda

25 Syllables What is maximizing the onset? What constrains maximization?
Putting all C in the onset not the coda What constrains maximization?

26 Syllables What is maximizing the onset? What constrains maximization?
Putting all C in the onset not the coda What constrains maximization? Must only allow consonant clusters permissible word initially

27 Syllables What is obligatory onset?

28 Syllables What is obligatory onset?
A language that requires a C in the onset has it

29 Syllables What is obligatory onset?
A language that requires a C in the onset has it How can in be different word initially?

30 Syllables What is obligatory onset?
A language that requires a C in the onset has it How can in be different word initially? It’s often exceptional there

31 Syllables What factors were shown to influence syllabification in English in the slash division experiment?

32 Syllables What factors were shown to influence syllabification in English in the slash division experiment? How did those factors influence it? (See Marlett 5 slides)

33 Syllable weight What are heavy/closed and light/open syllables?

34 Syllable weight What are heavy/closed and light/open syllables?
Heavy have C in coda or long vowel Light have no C and a short vowel

35 Syllable weight How does weight influence stress?

36 Syllable weight How does weight influence stress?
Stress tends to fall on heavy syllables in many languages

37 Syllablic consonants What are they?

38 Syllablic consonants What are they? C that form the nucleus

39 Sonority What is it?

40 Sonority What is it? Degree of energy, openness of sound

41 Sonority What is it? How does it relate to syllable structure?
Degree of energy, openness of sound How does it relate to syllable structure?

42 Sonority What is it? How does it relate to syllable structure?
Degree of energy, openness of sound How does it relate to syllable structure? Most sonorous sounds are closest to the nucleus

43 Geminates How do you represent true vs. false geminates in CV phonology?

44 Geminates How do you represent true vs. false geminates in CV phonology?

45 Geminates How do you represent long vowels and complex consonants that are one unit in CV phonology?

46 Geminates How do you represent long vowels and complex consonants that are one unit in CV phonology?

47 Pitch How is it used in stress?

48 Pitch How is it used in stress?
Stressed syllable tend to have higher pitch

49 Pitch How is it used in tone languages?

50 Pitch How is it used in tone languages?
Tones on vowels change word meaning

51 Pitch How is it used in tone languages? How do we represent tone?
Tones on vowels change word meaning How do we represent tone?

52 Pitch How is it used in tone languages? How do we represent tone?
Tones on vowels change word meaning How do we represent tone? Adjacent identical tones Contour tones

53 Pitch How is it used in intonation languages?
Changes in pitch range over phrases It gives nuance of meaning to phrase

54 Pitch What nuance of meaning?
Yes/No question, tag questions, have rising tone at end Statements, commands, and non-yes/no questions have falling

55 Evidence Most typical Minimal Pair Distribution

56 Evidence Becoming more common Corpora Typology Sociolinguistic
Experiments Brain scans Computer models

57 Formal phonology Assumes Discrete units Symbolic units
Objects manipulated by rules in non-real space and time Knowledge of language is knowledge of units and formulas

58 Formal phonology Problem Speech is continuous not discrete
Speech happens in real space and time Knowledge of language is knowledge of units and formulas

59 Stress What is it?

60 Stress What is it? Combination of duration, pitch, intensity

61 Stress Is it predictable?

62 Stress Is it predictable? In some languages, yes.

63 Linguistics as a science
Is it predictable? In some languages, yes.

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