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Neurochemical Foundations of Behavior

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1 Neurochemical Foundations of Behavior
Welcome to NSC 243 Neurochemical Foundations of Behavior Renee Miller, Ph.D. Meliora 303F

2 Goals Understand how neurotransmitters and other molecules work in the brain to permit coordinated behavioral outputs. Learn to read and interpret primary research results in the form of graphs, charts, etc. Become proficient at reading primary research papers, understanding methods, experimental designs, and interpreting data.

3 Expectations Attendance is mandatory
Excused absence includes documented illness, family emergency, and UR events with as much notice as possible Participation in discussions and workshops in small groups and with the whole class Your attention during class Phones, talking, non-ppt/note taking computer use should be avoided during class time

4 Grading Research seminars (5) 3 in class exams 5 in class quizzes
15% each=45% of final grade 5 in class quizzes 15% of final grade Research seminars (5) Attend a research talk (see calendar) Write a 1 page summary within 3 days Symposium 15% 8-10 page paper 10% minute oral (ppt) presentation Total=25% of final grade

5 Course Format Lecture based
In class journal club style reading of primary research papers In class and out of class workshops In class practice and discussion of how to read and interpret graphs, using examples from primary literature In class presentations demonstrating how disruptions in neurochemical processes leads to brain dysfunction and disease

6 Intro and Review Ions and the membrane potential
Communication within a neuron-The Action Potential Communication between neurons-Chemcial Neurotransmission

7 The forces that act on ions establish a resting membrane potential, ~ -70mV
Copyright © 2004 Allyn and Bacon

8 The Action Potential

9 Stimuli are encoded by rate of firing AP

10 Sub-threshold depolarizations exhibit cable properties

11 Myelinated axons solve this problem by concentrating Na+ channels at nodes of Ranvier

12 Birth of the neuron doctrine: communication between cells

13 Otto Loewi demonstrates the existence of secreted signal

14 Overview of chemical transmission
Fig 10-1

15 Fused synaptic vesicles at the active zone

16 Evidence for quantal release of NT

17 Evidence for quantal release of NT

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