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Presentation on theme: "Blockade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Blockade

2 Blockade The shutting of a port to keep people or supplies from moving in or out

3 Draft

4 Draft Law requiring certain people to serve in the military

5 Total War All-out war that affects civilians at home as well as soldiers in combat

6 Anaconda Plan

7 Anaconda Plan Union plan to defeat the Confederacy 1. Use of blockades
2. Capture the Mississippi – Cut the Confederacy in two. 3. Capture Richmond, VA – Confederate Capital.

8 Emancipation Proclamation

9 Emancipation Proclamtion
President Lincoln’s 1863 declaration freeing slaves in the Confederacy.

10 Gettysburg Address

11 Gettysburg Address Speech made by President Lincoln in 1863 after the Battle of Gettysburg. At a National Cemetary

12 Civil War

13 Civil War War between people of the same country.

14 Missouri Compromise

15 Missouri Compromise Agreement, proposed in 1819 by Henry Clay, to keep the number of slaves and free states equal. Missouri – slave state Maine – free state

16 Compromise of 1850

17 Compromise of 1850 Agreement over slavery by which California joined the Union as a free state and a strict futitive slave law was passed.

18 Fugitive Slave Law

19 Fugitive Slave Law Law passed in 1850 that required all citizen to aid in the capture of runaway slaves.

20 Confederacy

21 Confederacy Southern states that seceded from the Union in 1860 when Abraham Lincoln was elected.

22 Union

23 Union United States – Northern States that wanted to preserve the U.S.A.

24 secede

25 Secede Break away – withdraw from a group

26 Habeas corpus

27 Habeas Corpus The right that no person can be held in prison without first being charged with a specific crime. Lincoln suspended that right due to the Riots in New York.

28 13 Amendment

29 13 Amendment Slavery is abolished

30 14th Amendment

31 14th Amendment Former slaves are citizens

32 15th amendment

33 15 Amendment All men can vote (regardless of race)

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