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Morse Code and Enabling Technology

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1 Morse Code and Enabling Technology
Jeremy Cribb and Doug Daniell

2 UNC-CS Enabling Technology Course, Jeremy Cribb and Doug Daniell
What is Morse Code? Invented in 1800s as a method for long-distance communication Ideal for electrical communication, due to its binary nature Represents the letters of the alphabet as electric pulses Composed of dits (.) and dahs (-) UNC-CS Enabling Technology Course, Jeremy Cribb and Doug Daniell

3 UNC-CS Enabling Technology Course, Jeremy Cribb and Doug Daniell

4 UNC-CS Enabling Technology Course, Jeremy Cribb and Doug Daniell
Advantages Surprisingly rapid entry of text Ease of use / low cost Low need for physical ability Versatility Portability Unobtrusiveness Can aid in literacy skills UNC-CS Enabling Technology Course, Jeremy Cribb and Doug Daniell

5 UNC-CS Enabling Technology Course, Jeremy Cribb and Doug Daniell
Example Applications Puff-sip Opposing motion UNC-CS Enabling Technology Course, Jeremy Cribb and Doug Daniell

6 UNC-CS Enabling Technology Course, Jeremy Cribb and Doug Daniell
Disadvantages Low awareness  teaching not emphasized Difficult to learn High initial error entry rate User discouragement UNC-CS Enabling Technology Course, Jeremy Cribb and Doug Daniell

7 UNC-CS Enabling Technology Course, Jeremy Cribb and Doug Daniell
DARCI Card ($495) UNC-CS Enabling Technology Course, Jeremy Cribb and Doug Daniell

8 Current State of Morse Code as an Enabling Technology
Extensive generic hardware support (DARCI) Numerous software products available for desktop computers Valuable resource for persons with severe disabilities UNC-CS Enabling Technology Course, Jeremy Cribb and Doug Daniell

9 How can we extend this technology?
Pursue applications of Morse Code input for PDAs / embedded systems Allow universal accessibility Enable visually impaired with text-to-speech feedback Enable physically impaired with simple and portable input options UNC-CS Enabling Technology Course, Jeremy Cribb and Doug Daniell

10 UNC-CS Enabling Technology Course, Jeremy Cribb and Doug Daniell
Further Benefits Universal design will increase functionality for all users Examples: Mobile Input (replace PDA stylus with Bluetooth device?) Replace/augment screen output with audio feedback UNC-CS Enabling Technology Course, Jeremy Cribb and Doug Daniell

11 Incremental Design Approach
Construct a functional Morse-to-Speech application in Python (pyMTS) Keyboard/Mouse input Port this application to the Windows CE platform (and/or Palm?) Cordless mouse for PDA morse input (Bluetooth?) Morse education: design a game to teach Morse code (Morse Invaders?) UNC-CS Enabling Technology Course, Jeremy Cribb and Doug Daniell

12 UNC-CS Enabling Technology Course, Jeremy Cribb and Doug Daniell
Progress so far… Functional program that decodes morse code as input and outputs text to a display field audio feedback after each letter, using a TTS engine and MSSAPI – also reads each completed word and sentence Focus is on universal accessibility Demo! UNC-CS Enabling Technology Course, Jeremy Cribb and Doug Daniell

13 UNC-CS Enabling Technology Course, Jeremy Cribb and Doug Daniell
Credit Modern Morse Code in Rehabilitation and Education: New Applications in Assistive Technology by Tomas Wayne UNC-CS Enabling Technology Course, Jeremy Cribb and Doug Daniell

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