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Helping Students Succeed Every Step of the Way!

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Presentation on theme: "Helping Students Succeed Every Step of the Way!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Helping Students Succeed Every Step of the Way!
LCC-Wai`anae Helping Students Succeed Every Step of the Way!

2 Meeting Agenda Introductions Student Success Report
Connecting to the Community New Programs and Partnerships Permanent Campus Acquisition Feedback Mission The mission of Leeward CC-Wai ‘anae is to provide residents of the Wai ‘anae Coast access to a high quality college experience in a supportive and respectful environment within their own community.

3 Student Success

4 Performance Data 480 students registered (total)/144 new first time students (Fall 2011) 62% received financial aid Student success data – course success rates Overall general education Success rate: 74%; Withdrawal rate: 3% Developmental English Success rate: 76%; Withdrawal rate: 3% Developmental Math Success rate: 66%; Withdrawal rate: 3%

5 Cohort Data Term 1 Term 2 Persistence rate Fall 2008 LEEW Cohort 129
Term 1 Term 2 Persistence rate Fall 2008 LEEW Cohort 129 75 58% Fall 2009 LEEW Cohort 173 114 66% Fall 2010 LEEW Cohort 149 97 65% Fall 2011 LEEW Cohort 144 109 76%

6 Graduation Data 27 students earned an AA degree in 2011-2012
52 students earned an AA or AS degree in First annual Graduate Recognition Ceremony held in May 2013

7 Success Strategies Continued
New Student Orientation Milestones tracking Check-in appointments Maka`ala Team CARE Learning communities Tutors/peer mentors

8 Milestones Tracking 380 applications for Fall 2013 from traditional and non-traditional students from the Waianae moku Students are tracked using Milestones spreadsheet As of 7/8/12: have registered for classes have attended or are scheduled to attend W2W (LCCW New Student Orientation) have recently applied and/or admission is pending are aged 18-19

9 Connecting to the Community

10 Partnerships Partnerships strengthen our connection to the community and improve the college pipeline. Wai`anae Health Academy Ka Lama Education Academy MA`O Farms Kamaile Academy Nanaimua E Ala Workgroup

11 Student Engagement: Activities & Clubs
Domestic Violence Awareness Week Masquerade Social Ice Cream Social Wai`anae Christmas Parade World Book Week International Week Spring Break BBQ Bowling Night

12 International Week and Family Open House
Featured student performances, displays, and presentations.

13 Outreach Initiatives to Improve High School to College Pipeline
Kamaile Academy Workshops in grades 7-12 College peer mentors Portfolio Defense Spring 2013

14 Outreach Initiatives to Improve High School to College Pipeline
Nanakuli High School -- Nanaimua ASTRO 110 Spring 2013 Waianae High School Dual Enrollment PSY 100 Spring 2013 PSY 100 & ENG 100 Fall 2013

15 New Programs and Projects

16 Permanent Campus Acquisition

17 Mahalo for coming!

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