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Weathering & Erosion Featuring Water.

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Presentation on theme: "Weathering & Erosion Featuring Water."— Presentation transcript:

1 Weathering & Erosion Featuring Water

2 Rain Water Effects: Class Connection: Erodes (moves sediment) soil
Weathers (breaks down) rock Mechanical Weathering Physical Streams & Rivers Class Connection: Run Off (water cycle) The more sediment, the more erosion

3 Rain & Deposition Effects: Class Connections: Makes Layers Rock Cycle
Eroded soil & sediment flows & dries creating more & more layers Forms New Rocks As these layers are pressed together over time they create rocks Class Connections: Rock Cycle Sedimentary Rocks

4 River Water Effects: Class Connections:
Canyons: Deep valley carved by water in an area of rock Valleys (V-shaped): Smaller version of a canyon (made the same way) Class Connections: Run Off (water cycle) The more sediment, the more erosion

5 Ice Wedging Ice Wedging: The repetitive melting and freezing of water in a rock crack. The liquid water gets deeper in the crack as it freezes and ice expands it slowly makes the crack bigger and deeper (potholes in the spring) Class Connections: Frozen water expands (making it less dense) than liquid water!

6 Glaciers Glacier: slowly moving river of ice (NOT an iceberg) Effects:
Weathers & erodes rock as it grinds against the surface Creates U-shaped valleys Deposits sediment when it melts Class Connections: Very viscous, cold temperature

7 Caves Water flowing underground Effects: Class Connections:
Ponds/Streams Stalactites Stalagmites Columns Class Connections: Solubility & Crystallization: As the dissolved minerals settle out of the flowing water, they form these cave features

8 Oceans & Lakes Oceans Lakes Class Connections:
Salty because all rivers & streams flow into the ocean (as the water moves over the land it absorbs minerals) Na & Cl (salty) Lakes Not salty, refilled by rain Freshwater, no outflow Class Connections: Water Cycle: Accumulation Oceans from run-off Polarity allows the salt to dissolve in the water Lakes from precipitation

9 Water Vapor Effects: Class Connections:
As water vapor rises & mixes with pollution it becomes acidic & falls as acid rain Chemical reactions with rocks Makes lakes/streams acidic harming wildlife Damages forests Class Connections: Polarity allows the water to dissolve minerals, changing the pH of the water to acidic

10 Erosion Demos Mechanical (Physical Weathering) – Marble Chips
Glaciers – Ice Cube & Tray & Valley Ice Wedging – Water Bottle Chemical Weathering Marble & Granite w/ HCl Pyrite & HCl w/ time Acid Rain Erosion Tray with soil River Rain

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