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Romeo & Juliet Lessons.

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1 Romeo & Juliet Lessons

2 Misc. Monday Change Game:
Teacher will clap her hands, but you will begin by sitting still. Teacher will say CHANGE, and start a new action—and you will clap your hands. Continue doing the last action until game is over

3 Work Return What are you missing? Vocabulary: Writing Notes:
Personification, Metaphor & Simile Work Rhyme, Rhythm, and Alliteration Work Allusion Notes Literary Element Vocabulary Writing Notes: Things They Carried Mad 60 What are you missing?

4 Let’s Pick Teams

5 Homework: Bring in one magazine or picture that represents your group topic for Wednesday
Elizabethan Fashion Clothing, Men & Women Accessories Professional Uniforms Friends Mercutio Friar Lawrence The Nurse Paris Montague Romeo Lady and Lord Montague Benvolio Capulet Juliet Lady and Lord Capulet Tybalt Verona Scenery Weather Location

6 Jeopardy Time!

7 Insults! Montagues v. Capulets

8 Homework: Pick your favorite two insults and define them for tomorrow.

9 Choral Reading of Act 1 Prologue
Read aloud together What words do you not know? Read one word at a time What words seem important? Read half a line: Boys v. Girls How do different readings affect you? Read to end of the sentence: Periods and Semicolons Where do you see rhyme? Walk, stamp your feet and change direction at stops. How does rhythm show up in the text?

10 Doubles: Two Circle every “two” in the prologue.
Where else is the concept of two reinforced? Words Ideas Sounds

11 Exit Slip: In Your Actor’s Book
So what do you think it means? Read the Prologue one more time Write a short summary of the text

12 DO NOW: Get into your groups and make a poster of your topic.
You must have: A title of your topic Pictures Labels for each subtopic

13 Poster Share Taking your character sheet with you, go around the room and look at each poster. At each place, jot down one comment or question you have about the characters or settings depicted on the posters. Be prepared to share at least one question when we sit back down in 10 minutes. Staple character sheet into the actor’s notebook

14 Tips to Understanding Shakespeare
Know the weird words Get the gist by looking at the words you know Change the order of the words Know that Shakespeare always had double meanings

15 Translate weird words Run’st/had’st---------------get rid of the “‘st”
Dost/hast get rid of the “t” Thou/Thee change to “you” Thy change to “your” ‘Tis change to “it is” Art often means “are”

16 Get the gist: Make a guess
On my word! No While you live I strike quickly A dog The House of Montague To move To stand Therefore run’st away I will take weak weakest True women, being weaker Thrust his maids quarrel is between our masters Fought with the men will cut off their heads You lie fools

17 You can also get the gist with stage directions:
Read all of the lines in italics

18 Change word order “Me they shall feel while I am able to stand…” can be re-written as “They shall feel me while I am able to stand” “You know not what you do” can be re-written as “You do not know what you do.”

19 What do you do when your wheels wear out?

20 Shakespeare loved Puns and Double meaning!
To understand them today, you need to know these words: Carry coals: submit to humiliation Colliers: people who work with coal In choler: angry Collar: a noose Maidenhead: virginity

21 So Let’s read! We already know that a fight will happen with the House of Montague So let’s figure out: What’s going on here? Who are these people? Are they related? What are they like? How are they with each other?

22 Exit Slip: In your notebooks, title a section 1.1.1-58
1=Act One 1=Scene One 1-58= Lines 1 to 58 Summarize what happened in this section

23 Homework: Read Directors—summarize the section, and decide what kind of person each character is. How would you have them act? Prop Masters--summarize what sort of props are needed or bring in appropriate props. Fight choreographers--- summarize the section, and decide how you would choreograph the fight scene. the scene, and determine to act out this scene. Make

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