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THE DARK AGES What was happening in Europe during the Silk Road trading, innovation and collective learning? LT: Evaluate the period in Europe known as.

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Presentation on theme: "THE DARK AGES What was happening in Europe during the Silk Road trading, innovation and collective learning? LT: Evaluate the period in Europe known as."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE DARK AGES What was happening in Europe during the Silk Road trading, innovation and collective learning? LT: Evaluate the period in Europe known as the “Dark Ages” and decide if was really “dark”

2 The Dark Ages Why “Dark”? - NOTES
Europe was in a state that: Did not support learning Created very little culture (art, literature, architecture) Was repeatedly invaded Had no central government Had a bad economy Was basically a miserable place

3 Europe during this time can best be described as… NOTES STAGNANT 4 Reasons!

4 Social Systems - NOTES “Feudalism”
Small isolated communities, called manors, which consisted of a castle, the church, the village & the surrounding farm land. Society was made up of a king, lords, nobility who had massive land holdings & serfs, who were bound to the land

5 Trade Stagnation - NOTES
Europe was on the “tail” end of the Silk Road exchange and provided mostly raw materials (cheaper and less desired than finished goods) to the East Money exchange limited. Coins and bartering Trade didn’t disappear because the wealthy and religious leaders desired exotic merchandise.

6 Warfare - NOTES Feudal communities would fight each other & communities were attacked from outsiders - Vikings (Swedes, Danes & Norwegians) attacked European communities from the North - The Slavs (modern day Russia) attacked from the East The Magyars, nomads from Central Asia attacked from the East Arab Muslims from North Africa attacked from the South

7 Crusades - NOTES For ~200 years European Christians fought Arab Muslims. Historians think about 3 million soldiers & civilians were killed in the fighting. The Crusades were disruptive in Europe. - Land in Europe neglected - If you couldn’t afford to go fight, you were expected to support with offerings, prayer & pilgrimages - Agricultural based economy suffered

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