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Casts and Impressions.

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Presentation on theme: "Casts and Impressions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Casts and Impressions

2 Impressions Types: Patent: visible (2D) Latent: not visible to eye
Plastic: 3-D, left in material Class or individual evidence

3 Dental Impressions Bite marks = individual evidence
Dental patterns used to: Identify remains Identify suspects at crime scenes DNA profile from saliva

4 Shoe Impressions (Shoeprints)
Size Weight (depth of impression) Shoe type (personality, lifestyle) Activity (running, walking) Unique features: debris, gait (walking habit), holes/cuts # people, movements at crime scene

5 Preserving Footprint Evidence
Photographs Lifting latent impressions Luminol Dusting Electrostatic lifting and gel lifting Casts Plaster of Paris (mud) Dental stone (snow)

6 Footwear Database

7 Tire Evidence Link a suspect or victim to crime scene
Reveal events that took place Types: Skid marks (braking suddenly) Yaw marks (skid sideways in curved path) Tire scrubs (during or after impact)

8 Tire Marks as Evidence Preservation: Examination: Photographs
Measurements Examination: Type of tire and make/model of car How vehicle was driven

9 Casts Permanent impression of plastic prints left at a crime scene
Use Plaster of Paris or Dental Stone

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