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“Putin thinks that democracy stands in his way” (Gorbachev)

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1 “Putin thinks that democracy stands in his way” (Gorbachev)
Communism “Putin thinks that democracy stands in his way” (Gorbachev)

2 Rejection of Liberalism
Based on established theories of Marx – communist system creates a society that encourages creativity and self-awareness (because you are not worried about mundane things) Democracy - all people are equal, not freedom. Just look at how successful the USSR was: Avoided the Great Depression Industrialized fast enough to defeat the Nazi invasion Greater equality - didn’t have the race riots or protests like the US Civil Rights Movement. Their women gained equality long before women were treated equally here in Canada. Literacy and health care were superior to many liberal nations.

3 Communism Fascism Method of Gaining Power Violent revolution Abuse of the electoral system and terror Method of Rule Single-party Dictatorship Source of Beliefs Writings of Marx, Lenin, Mao Writings of Mussolini, Rocco, Sorel Goals Triumph of the working classes, world revolution, the overthrow of capitalism National greatness, constant expansion Economy State controlled, no private property, favors proletariat, emphasis on equality State regulation of private enterprise, favors capitalists, natural inequalities Appeal Working class, peasants, intelligentsia Lower middle class, some upper class and clergy Scope A worldwide movement, opposed to nationalism A series of national movements, stresses nationalism Belief in Reason Humans are basically rational Humans are basically irrational

4 Political Characteristics
(communism is both an economic theory and a political system) Government actions for the benefit of all Theoretically democratic Equal rights – Bill of Rights (many freedoms and rights guaranteed but not enforced) Periodic elections (high turnout, but often only 1 candidate – one party state) Control of media and education Need to educate (indoctrinate) the masses to appreciate the values of communism

5 Conditions in Russia leading to the Bolshevik revolution
Part of Europe but not industrializing at same pace Awareness of Enlightenment ideals Dissatisfaction with limited reforms made by Tzar (economic reforms outpaced the political reforms) Civil rights, universal suffrage and elected Duma all introduced in 1905, but were suppressed Losing the battles of World War One

6 Bolshevik Rise to power
Two revolutions – one to overthrow the Tzar, next to establish Bolshevik rule Bolsheviks gained support of peasants and soldiers through Lenin – “peace, land, bread” How does this differ from the group Marx expected to revolt? 5 year civil war War Communism: swift transfer to communist system (to support civil war efforts) NEP – Lenin sees the dramatic transformation is not working, returns to minor forms of capitalism (eg. farmers selling extra produce)

7 Stalin’s USSR Vision Indoctrination/propaganda
Rejected the NEP (need to devote to the communist ideology) Point to the strength of communism during the Great Depression Indoctrination/propaganda Used to promote the cult of personality (Stalin as strong man, yet father-figure) Also used to denounce opponents Direction of Popular Discontent Collectivize farms to support rapid industrialization Kulak revolts, reduced output, Ukrainian famine During Cold War – blamed US for problems

8 Controlled Participation
Only one party – CPSU At elections, voters handed ballot with the approved candidates name already filled in If you wanted to vote for someone else, you had to scratch out the name and write another: with fellow employees, leaders and government officials watching you, very few people did this 6% of population members of CPSU (start at young age) Perks: bigger apartment, better food, special medical services, nice vacation, better education for children (approx. 1% also had rights to overseas travel, foreign currency and personal servants) Force Elimination of opposition (early removal of opposition will allow the socialist society to become truly communist) Great Purge KGB Gulags After Stalin’s death, Khrushchev denounces his tactics

9 The fall of communism We will look at the collapse of the communist political system in more detail as we study the Cold War

10 Do the ends justify the means?
Stalin video Do the ends justify the means?

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