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Read 180 – “ When Music Offends ”

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Presentation on theme: "Read 180 – “ When Music Offends ”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Read 180 – “ When Music Offends ”
Unit Four Vocabulary

2 Essential Question What vocabulary is essential to better comprehend unit 4 of read 180 ?

3 agitate To bother or upset someone

4 oppose To disagree strongly

5 critic A person who judges whether something is good or bad

6 confront To stand up to someone in a threatening or accusing way

7 controversy A disagreement among many people

8 “MTV Unplugged” Vocabulary Page 90

9 offensive Causing anger or emotional distress

10 “The Day the Music Died”
Vocabulary Page 92

11 promote To contribute to the growth of something

12 restriction A rule that limits what you can do

13 “Rockers, Rappers, and Freedom of Speech”
Vocabulary Page 96

14 detrimental harmful

15 Censor To remove parts of a book or song thought to be harmful or offensive

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