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CPIA in Veneto YouRNI Project - Programme for C4: 26 october, Veneto Lavoro (Mestre-Venezia)

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Presentation on theme: "CPIA in Veneto YouRNI Project - Programme for C4: 26 october, Veneto Lavoro (Mestre-Venezia)"— Presentation transcript:

1 CPIA in Veneto YouRNI Project - Programme for C4: 26 october, Veneto Lavoro (Mestre-Venezia)

2 1. What is CPIA? Public school for adult people that offers italian and foreign students differents activities and courses.

3 Training offer In these schools you can attend: middle school diploma
italian courses adult activities considered as a driving force for the personal, cultural, social and economic growth of all citizens Training offer

4 Training offer You can also: Get language certification
Frequent part of two years of high school Training offer

5 In Veneto we have 7 CPIA. Each CPIA offers courses in different cities. For exemple in the area where we are, we have a school in Venice, in Mestre and in Marghera (ando also in other cities).

6 The organisation of CPIA in Verona area, where the greatest part of the immigrants lives
Last year we had: 3483 students in italian courses And 195 students in italian courses in the prison

7 In CPIA in Veneto last year we had:
WHO ARE CPIA’S STUDENTS? italian people (for exemple: school drop-out) foreigns students (we have no distinction between refugees, asylum seekers, immigrants…). Also unaccompained minors prisoners In CPIA in Veneto last year we had: 9613 students in the italian courses 1704 students in middle school courses

8 almost 600.000 foreign people = 10,4% of population
HOW MANY? In Veneto we have: almost foreign people = 10,4% of population They come from especially: Romania,Morocco Albania, Moldova and China

9 The CIVIS V project is a FEI project for Civic Language Education for Third-Country Citizens. The project lasted from November 2016 to March 2018 2. CIVIS V PROJECT

10 the project has reached its fifth year
Adressees of the draft: Refugees Regular migrants Asylum seekers cannot access to courses organised by CIVIS the project has reached its fifth year The project is organised with Regione Veneto and Veneto Lavoro

11 Some DATA To now: we have 126 italian courses we have: 1560 students
26 Pre A1 level 57 A1 level 32 A2 level 11 B1 level STATO numero % sul totale studenti Marocco 300 19,2% Cina 164 10,5% India 136 8,7% Nigeria 119 7,6% Senegal 72 4,6% Kosovo 69 4,4% Ghana 61 3,9% Bangladesh 59 3,8% Ucraina 56 3,6% Sri Lanka 53 3,4% Albania 44 2,8% Burkina Faso 38 2,4% Pakistan 33 2,1% Brasile 28 1,8% Costa d'Avorio 26 1,7% Afghanistan 24 1,5% Thailandia 20 1,3% Macedonia Tunisia 16 1,0% Filippine Bosnia Erzegovina 15 altri 14 stati infer. 1% 191 12,2% totale 1.560 100,0% To now: we have 126 italian courses we have: 1560 students The main countries of origin are: Maroc, China, India and Nigeria Some DATA 519 man 1042 women

12 Some DATA The level of school education ist good: from 12 to 15 years
The greatest part of the students have arrived in Italy in the years: 2016, 2015, 2014 Some DATA

13 The greatest part of students are: unemployed and looking for job (597)
Then: homeworkers; housewives; employee with a temporary job and then employee with a permanent jobs Some DATA

14 Long terme residence permit
The greatest part of students are: unemployed and looking for job (597) Then: homeworkers; housewives; employee with a temporary job and then employee with a permanent jobs Some DATA about residence permits TIPOLOGIA numero studenti % attesa occupazione 14 0,9% Long terme residence permit 277 17,8% lavoro autonomo 37 2,4% job 214 13,7% lavoro stagionale 3 0,2% Family reunification 762 48,8% motivi religiosi motivi umanitari, vittime di violenza e sfruttamento 56 3,6% protezione sussidiaria, asilo politico 53 3,4% studio 5 0,3% altro 136 8,7% totale 1.560 100,0%


16 the Italian law connects the residence permit to the knowledge of the Italian language – A2 level

17 In CPIA students can pass a test of level A2 recognized by the prefectures
They can also frequent an italian course that is recognised for residence permit They can also frequent one session of civic formation, valid for the regularization in Italy (KOS) KNOWLEDGE OF ITALIAN LANGUAGE

18 DPR 179, art. 2 c. 6 6. With the accord, the Government commits itself to sustain the process of integration of the foreigner. The Government organizes activities in collaboration with CPIA. The Government assures the foreigner to frequent a session of civic formation and information on the life in Italy

19 The foreigner participates to the session of civic formation and information on the civil life in Italy within the three following months to that of you/he/she stipulates some accord. The activity is free. The KOS lasts form five to ten hours. The foreigner frequents the course to school and not in prefecture. Teachers use material translated in the language of the students.

20 The objective is to make the foreigner to get an enough knowledge of the fundamental principles of the Constitution of the Republic and its organization. Especially: health, school, job, social services and fiscal obligations WHICH ARE THE OBJECTIVES?

21 The Accord Residence permit The House Health and job The school In the KOS there are activity of interaction with the help of cultural mediators. WHICH TOPICAL SUBJECTS?

22 Cards Video JOB

23 Thanks Maria Fiano – USR Veneto UCRIDA Veneto

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