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#2 What was the Underground Railroad? 10.2

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1 #2 What was the Underground Railroad? 10.2

2 1850 Fugitive Slave Law Only a description needed to return a runaway slave No trial by jury & they cannot testify for themselves If a person helps a runaway slave: 6 months in jail and a $1,000 fine

3 The North Responds Personal Liberty Laws Laws passed in the north
They forbid putting runaway slaves in prison

4 1840 – 1861 Underground Railroad
A secret network of people who helped slaves escape to the north (Canada)

5 Underground Railroad Conductors People who lead slaves to the north
Lines Secret routes taken to the north Freight Slaves who were escaping north Stations Stops for slaves to eat and sleep

6 Harriet Tubman Nicknamed “Moses” She was a famous Conductor
Helped over 300 slaves escape to freedom There was a $40,000 bounty for her capture

7 Levi Coffin A white abolitionist A famous Conductor
He was stationed in Cincinnati, Ohio

8 National Geographic Underground Railroad http://education

9 Codes and Phrases “The wind blows from the south today”
Warning of slave bounty hunters nearby “A friend with friends” A signal of the arrival of fugitive slaves with Underground Railroad Conductor “The friend of a friend sent me” Used by fugitive slaves traveling alone to indicate they are escaping by the Underground Railroad network. “Load of Potatoes, Parcel, or Bundles of Wood” Fugitive slaves to be expected

10 1852 Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin
A best selling book that exposed the realities of slavery It shocked and opened the eyes of many about the evil and harsh institution of slavery 1.5 million copies sold worldwide (printed in many languages)

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