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Unit 3: Civil War 10.26.16.

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1 Unit 3: Civil War

2 Please take out your 12 Years A Slave reading
Entry Task Please take out your 12 Years A Slave reading

3 12 Years A Slave Book Club You will have 10 minutes to finish up your group discussion. Selection Share: A summary of your selection What did you think about this selection? Why do you think I chose this for you to read? What does this piece tell us about slavery? Selection Question Repeat for the all selections Essential question group discussion Periods 2, 4, 5

4 Discussion Do you agree with Northup that it’s not the fault of the slaveholder but it’s the fault of the system? We know how blacks were affected by slavery, were whites also affected? Why describe the brutalities of slavery in such detail? What does Solomon Northup’s story tell us about the institution of slavery? In other words, what can we learn from his experience? All

5 Who are these people?

6 Abolitionism Answer these questions in your notebook:
What was the abolitionist movement? When did it start? Who was a part of the abolitionist movement? What were some responses to the movement? What were some achievements of the movement? Whole-class read aloud – model good note taking, stop for vocab words & clarification.

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