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Wednesday, November 11, 2009 Science Vocabulary

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1 Wednesday, November 11, 2009 Science Vocabulary
Reading Quiz “Civil War” p. 8-14 Science Vocabulary Solar Eclipse : An eclipse of the sun by the moon. Solar System : A star and all the planets and other bodies that orbit it; the region in space where these bodies move. Space : The region of the universe beyond Earth's atmosphere. Today: Vocabulary Concept Map Dred Scott Case Information & Roles

2 The idea that the women’s place was in the home was called?
What two thing accounted for the population doubling every 25 years? What earlier mode of transportation was overrun by the railroad? What does egalitarian mean? Name two similarities between the north and south. True or False : The North was considered more “egalitarian” than the South? What crop was at least half of the South’s exports by 1850? Sugar, rice, tobacco, and cotton farming in the south was called what? Industry led to the rise of what in the North? Cotton was such an important crop, what was it nicknamed? Reading Quiz

3 Vocabulary Concept Map
Basic Definition Details Use the attached concept map to define and elaborate on the following: Popular Sovereignty Missouri Compromise Dred Scott v. Sanford John Brown Frederick Douglass Kansas-Nebraska Act Compromise Fugitive Slave Act Underground Railroad Harper's Ferry Uncle Tom's Cabin Peculiar Institution Abolitionist Word Sentence Summaries Historical Significance

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