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Animal Habitats.

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Presentation on theme: "Animal Habitats."— Presentation transcript:

1 Animal Habitats

2 What is a biome? A biome is a large community of plants and animals that occupies a distinct area. Each biome has a distinct climate and vegetation (plant life).

3 Grasslands What is a Grassland? A grassland is a grassy, windy, partly-dry biome, a sea of grass.

4 Almost one-fourth of the Earth's land area is grassland.

5 There are many different words for grassland environments around the world, including savannas, pampas, plains, steppes, and prairies. Jaguar, meerkats

6 Grassland Animals Girrafe, African elephants, zebras

7 Desert The desert is a harsh environment with very little rainfall and extreme temperatures

8 Some deserts get very hot during the day and very cold during the night and some are always cold like the Gobi Desert in Asia and the desert on the continent of Antarctica Gobi Desert Antarctica Desert

9 Desert Animals Camel, tarantula, snake, desert iguana, armadillo

10 Forest

11 There are two types of forests: open woodlands with widely spaced trees, and dense forests whose floor is generally in shade.

12 Forest Animals Bald eagle, deer, grey wolf, brown bear, tiger

13 Oceans

14 Oceans cover almost 3/4 of the Earth's surface and contain roughly 97% of the Earth's water supply.
The Earth's oceans are all connected to one another.

15 Ocean Animals Jelly fish, sea turtle, salt water fish, bottle nose dolphin, blue whale, puffer fish, seals, killer whales (orcas), coral, yellow fish

16 Arctic Region The Arctic is a very cold, windy, and often snowy habitat located around the North Pole. Animals that live in the Arctic (either full time or seasonally) are adapted to extreme conditions. Some animals hibernate during the cold season; they go into a very deep, sleep-like state in which their heartbeat slows down.

17 Arctic Map

18 Arctic Animals Polar bear, snow rabbit, snowy owl, snow fox, harp seal, killer whale, caribou, puffin, dall sheep

19 Antarctic Region Antarctica is the coldest, windiest, and driest place on Earth. The coldest temperature ever recorded on Earth was in Antarctica; it went down to approximately -129°F. The Antarctic seas are teeming with life, ranging from microscopic plankton to the biggest animal that ever lived on Earth, the blue whale.

20 Antarctic Map

21 Antarctic Animals Emperor penguin, blue whale, humpback whale, Antarctic krill, octopus, spectacled porpoise

22 Rainforest Rainforests are very dense, warm, wet forests. They have millions of plants and animals. Rainforests are extremely important in the ecology of the Earth. The plants of the rainforest generate much of the Earth's oxygen.

23 Most of the Earth’s rainforests are along the equator

24 Rainforest Animals Mccaw bird, snake, tree frog, blue morpho butterfly, capybara, emerald tree boa, fruit bat, gorilla

25 Credits All pictures courtesy of Google images or

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