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Past: Israel Sovereignly chosen 9

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2 Past: Israel Sovereignly chosen 9
Children of Privilege                          v1-5 Children of Promise                          v6-13 Children of Mercy                             v14-18 God’s Sovereignty                              v19-33 Who are we to argue with God? What did the Prophets say? Why has God turned to Gentiles? Present: Israel Willfully Rejected     10 Reasons for their Rejection               v1-13 Remedy for their Rejection           v14-17 Results of their Rejection                  v18-21 Future: Israel Miraculously Saved    11 Partial Rejection                              v1-10 Purposeful Rejection                          v1-24 Promised Restoration                   v25-36

3 Reasons for Rejection They were sincerely, but sincerely wrong about Jesus v2 They were proud and self-righteous v3 They misunderstood their own Law v4-13

4 Truth: The Remedy for Rejecting Messiah Jesus is hearing and believing

5 Purposeful Rejection v11-24
Salvation would come to the Gentiles v11b Gentile faith would move the Jews to jealousy v11b One day Israel's fullness will bring greater riches to the entire world v12

6 Truth: One day all Israel will be saved
..looked at from the long-range perspective of God's overall purpose they (the Jews) remain God's oldest friends. God's gifts and God's call are under full warranty-never canceled, never rescinded...(The Message)

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