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What is it with these two?

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Presentation on theme: "What is it with these two?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is it with these two?
Bloom & Webb What is it with these two?

2 Bloom’s Taxonomy 1950s Research on how children learn 1956 Bloom created a Learning Taxonomy based on knowledge dimensions Purpose was to help teacher write better learning objectives

3 Bloom’s Six Levels Recalling previously learned material Knowledge
Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation Recalling previously learned material Grasp the meaning of the material Ability to use the material, apply rules, methods Breaking down material in order to understand it Put all the pieces together to form a product (essay) Make judgments about the material

4 Bloom’s Revised 2001 Anderson and Krathwohl revised Bloom’s combined the cognitive process & the knowledge dimensions Purpose: allows for a better alignment of objectives and assessment techniques.

5 Revised Taxonomy Knowledge Dimension Factual Conceptual Procedural
Meta-Cognitive Cognitive Process Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create

6 Importance for Teachers
How Does Webb Fit In? Webb designed a model to analyze the cognitive expectations of standards, curricular activities and assessment tasks Importance for Teachers RIDE PBGR require DOKs 3 & 4 Teacher Evals require DOKs 3 & 4

7 Webb’s Depth of Knowledge Guide
Webb’s Depth of Knowledge Guide Guide Includes Level explanations Possible products Teacher roles Potential activities

8 Using DOKs Shop Talk Workshop
Using DOKs Shop Talk Workshop Using DOKs specific for your content area

9 Depth of Knowledge The Depth of Knowledge is the degree of understanding a student needs to respond to an assessment item.  There are 4 DOK progressive levels: recall Skills/concepts strategic thinking extended thinking

10 Does this Look Familiar?
The Famous DOK Wheel

11 The Same Verb but Three different DOK Levels
Describe the difference between metamorphic and igneous rocks. Describe three characteristics of metamorphic rocks. Describe a model that you might use to represent the relationships that exist within the rock cycle.

12 What DOK Level were they ?
What Do You Think? DOK 2 Describe the difference between metamorphic and igneous rocks. (Requires cognitive processing to determine the differences in the two rock types) DOK 1 Describe three characteristics of metamorphic rocks. (Requires simple recall) DOK 3 Describe a model that you might use to represent the relationships that exist within the rock cycle. (Requires deep understanding of rock cycle and a determination of how best to represent it)


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