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Information from administrative Data for Business Register

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1 Information from administrative Data for Business Register
Workshop on “THE IMPLEMENTATION OF A MORE EFFICIENT WAY OF COLLECTING DATA” Luxembourg, 21 October 2008 Anke Rink, Federal Statistical Office of Germany

2 Outline Short term administrative data for improving quality of the business register New source: Electronic Trade Register (EHUG)

3 Short term administrative data for improving quality of the business register
Approach today: Yearly delivery of administrative data for a certain reference date Approach in future: Delivery of short term data, for example monthly

4 Advantage of short term data:
More up-to-date information Information on seasonal changes

5 For which characteristics can we use these data?
short term changes of identifiers, e.g. tax number integration of new units in BR more up-to-date closing of units in BR more up-to-date changes in characteristics

6 Electronic trade register (EHUG)
The electronic trade register contains all units of the trade register. Recently, the trade register was only stored on paper. HR nicht neu Bisher Zettelkasten in den Amtsgerichten (Einzelkaufleute, Kapitalgesellschaften, Personengesellschaften) Jetzt elektronisch verfügbar

7 For which purpose can we use EHUG?
We can update trade number address data Legal form Starting date of business activity

8 matching by trade number
EHUG BR Integration of data EHUG → BR matching by trade number clear match 1 : 1 ambigous matched 1 : n no match 1 : 0 resolving updating of the characteristics: trade number legal unit address matching by address matched not matched new BR units

9 Thank you for your attention!
Anke Rink Federal statistical office of Germany phone.: /

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