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Psalm 32:1-6 ( Tune: Amazing Grace)

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Presentation on theme: "Psalm 32:1-6 ( Tune: Amazing Grace)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Psalm 32:1-6 ( Tune: Amazing Grace)
Words: The Book of Psalms for Singing, 32A Music: Amazing Grace, New Britain Arrangement: Chris Reeves

2 1. O bless - ed is the man to whom has
free - ly par-doned been all the trans-gres-sions he has done, and cov - ered is his sin.

3 2. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord im-
put - eth not his sin, and in whose spir - it is no guile, nor fraud is found there-in.

4 3. When I from speak-ing had re-frained and
si - lent was my tongue, my bones were wax -ing old be - cause I cried out all day long.

5 4. Be-cause up - on me day and night Thy
hand did heav - y lie; so that my mois- ture had been turned to sum-mer’s drought there-by.

6 5. I there - up - on have un – to Thee ac-
know-ledged all my sin, and like - wise my i- ni - qui ty I have not hid with - in.

7 6. “I to Je - ho - vah will con - fess my
tres- pass - es,” said I; and of my sin Thou didst for - give all the i ni - qui - ty.

8 7. Be -cause of this shall ev - ery saint his
prayer di - rect to Thee; in such a time he shall Thee seek as found Thou may-est be.

9 8. Yea, when the floods of wa - ters great are
swell-ing to the brim, they shall not o - ver- whelm his soul nor once come near to him.

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