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What are Christians taught about moral duties and responsibilities?

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Presentation on theme: "What are Christians taught about moral duties and responsibilities?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What are Christians taught about moral duties and responsibilities?
c/w Date: Thursday, 29 November 2018 What are Christians taught about moral duties and responsibilities? L.O. To analyse the importance of different Christian teachings & feel confident with different exam structures Starter: Guess the key teaching!

2 Group work – Christian moral duties & responsibilities
Phase 1 – Each group will be given a different Christian teaching about moral duties and responsibilities. You must read it, understand it and discuss the questions in the Activity box. Phase 2 – Now you will form new groups and tell the other members about the moral teaching that you have read about Group A Group B Group C Group D Group E Group F Group G Group H Shea Grace Charlie Tolufe Demi Clinton Rio Mercy Nic Barakat Shenee Robbie Ryan Elizabeth Deividas Courtney Marianna Kira Harvey Viktors Patricia Jason Danielle Sean Venessa Tommy Caitlin Kolade

3 Which key Christian teaching do each of these questions apply to?
1) Do you think you are your brother’s keeper? (4) 2) Do you think we should treat everyone as we would like to be treated? (4) 3) Do you think the Golden Rule is a good guideline? (4) 4) Explain why the Parable of the Sheep and Goats is important to Christians (8) 5) Explain why Christians should treat others the way they would like to be treated. (8) 6) ‘Religious people should care for other people.’ i) Do you agree? (3) ii) Give reasons why people may disagree with you (3) 7) ‘If everyone treated others as they would like to be treated, we wouldn’t need laws.’

4 Model answer competition!
Each group is going to compete to create a model answer for the given exam question. The winning group is the team with the highest marks. Good luck!

5 Improve your answers… Part B (4 marks) Part C (8 marks)
Part D (6 marks) Relevant point 1 (agree or disagree) Fully Develop (P.E.E.L) Relevant point 2 (agree or disagree) Relevant point with evidence Full PEEL paragraphs (evidence, examples, explained) Quality of Written Communication (QWC) – SPAG (Spelling, grammar & key terms) Quality of Written Communication (QWC) – coherent (clear) structure Relevant point (agree or disagree) Fully develop (P.E.E.L) Relevant point (disagree with you) Fully develop (P.E.E.L) At least one religious!

6 What are the golden nuggets from this lesson?
Key Points & Facts / What do you need to remember? _____________________________________ ______________________________________ What are the golden nuggets from this lesson?

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