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Cryptographic protocols 2016, Lecture 9 multi-party computation

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1 Cryptographic protocols 2016, Lecture 9 multi-party computation
Helger Lipmaa University of Tartu, Estonia

2 up to now Two-message two-party protocols
Can compute everything in 2 messages, good comm. Can be extremely slow Multi-message two-party protocols Same, but faster Needs many rounds

3 multi-party computation
MULT/EQ/... protocols generalize to n parties assuming appropriate secret sharing Both computational and information-theoretic setting possible Comp. setting: secure if somebody is honest Inf.-th. setting: secure if majority is honest

4 Can take t = 1 (need to only trust yourself)
today Generalizing the last lecture to n > 2 parties Security based on DDH (and trust: t honest) Information-theoretically secure protocol Security based on trust alone (majority honest) BGW protocol (Ben-Or, Goldwasser, Wigderson) Can take t = 1 (need to only trust yourself) Need: t > n / 2 honest Note: since we are interested in semihonest model, here by honest we mean that we trust that no t parties (no t-coalition) are going to pool their inputs together

5 (n,t)-threshold encryption
Assume we have n > t parties Every party generates her random key yi and public key hi Let h be the joint public key Completeness: given access to h, Ench (m), and at least t different secret keys, one can efficiently recover m IND-CPA under (t - 1)-corruption: given access to h, Ench (m), and at most t - 1 different secret keys, an efficient adversary cannot break IND- CPA

6 IDEA: secret sharing (2,2) case: y = y0 + y1 (mod q)
Completeness: from y0 and y1 one can recover y Hiding: if yi is random, then just knowing y1 - i does not give any information about y We need the same for arbitrary (n, t), t < n

7 QUIZ: (n, n)-secret sharing
Assume the case (n, t = n) Question: how to combine y from (y1, ..., yn) so that no n - 1 parties can obtain any information about y? y₁

8 QUIZ: (n, n)-secret sharing
Assume the case (n, t = n) Question: how to combine y from (y1, ..., yn) so that no n - 1 parties can obtain any information about y? Answer: generalization of (2, 2) y = y yn (mod q) y y1 y2 y0 y₁

9 quiz: General case Assume the case (n, t) for any t < n Question:
how to combine y from (y1, ..., yn) so that no t - 1 parties can obtain any information about y? Answer: not so simple anymore need secret sharing

10 Shamir secret sharing Choose random yi ∈ ℤq for all 1 ≤ i ≤ t, t ≤ n ≤ q - 1 Construct a degree-(t - 1) polynomial f : ℤq → ℤq s.t. f (i) = yi for 1 ≤ i ≤ t Such a polynomial exists and is unique Found by using interpolation (again!) Send ith secret share yi = f (i) to party i ∈ {1, ..., n} = 1, x = xi = 0, x = xj for j ≠ i ∑ yi li (xj) = yj

11 quiz: what is the secret?
Note: instead of 0, one can use any point not in {1, ...., n} (Answer:) secret: y := f (0) = ∑ yi li (0) Given f (i) for any t inputs 1 ≤ i ≤ n: since f has degree-(t - 1), can recover f by using interpolation ... thus can recover f (j) for any other input, including f (0) Given f (i) for any t - 1 inputs 1 ≤ i ≤ n: for any s', there exists a unique t - 1 degree polynomial g that agrees with f (i) on these t inputs and has g (0) = s' g is obtained from interpolating (s', ..., f (i), ...) at (0, ..., i,...)

12 Threshold (n,t)-elgamal
For i = 0 to t - 1: fi ← ℤq f (x) ← ∑i ∈ [0, t - 1] fi xi For i = 1 to n: yi ← f (i) y ← f (0) pk = h ← gy Dealer h, y1 h, y3 h, yn h, y2

13 Threshold (n,t)-elgamal
h1= gy1, y1 h3 = gy3, y3 c = (c1, c2) = Enc(m; r) = (gmhr, gr) Note: Dec* is the same function as in the last lecture h2 = gy2, y2 h4 = gy4, y4 d3 = ... = c₂y₃ d1 = Dec* (y1, c) := c2y₁ d4 = c₂y₄ Dec({yi}, c) = log (c1 / ∏ di lᵢ (0))

14 thr-elgamal: correctness
Enc (m; r) = (gmhr, gr), di = c2 yᵢ for i ∈ {x1, …, xt} ∏i di lᵢ(0) = ∏i g ryᵢ lᵢ(0) = g r ∑ᵢ yᵢ lᵢ(0) = gr f (0) = gry = hr Thus log (c1 / ∏ dᵢlᵢ (0)) = log (gmhr / hr) = m = gryᵢ

15 remarks Dealing can be done without a trusted third party
beyond this lecture course If users are semihonest, can take any n ≥ t For decryption, at least t must be present Also works when a minority of users is malicious then n ≥ 2t + 1 (beyond this lecture course) Choice of t depends on application: sometimes it is good to be able to threshold-decrypt with small t, but then need each coalition of t parties to only decrypt "allowed values" (i.e., be semihonest)

16 information-theoretic MPC
Everything up to now: only computationally secure secure only under some comput. assumption (except one-time pad) Important: one can avoid this in the honest majority model Cost: additional trust (majority is honest) The famous “BGW" protocol. See slides of Benny Pinkas at for more information

17 recall: ideal model Trusted third party TTP a b a ∈ S1 b ∈ S2 fa(a, b)
fb(a, b)

18 semihonest real model Protocol a ∈ S1 b ∈ S2 fa(a, b) fb(a, b)
Goal: (under a cryptographic assumption) semihonest parties should not gain more information than needed

19 MPC model Majority honest
No information is leaked, given a majority of parties is honest All n parties can have an input and an output Majority honest Share your input between others Perform computation on shares Send shares of outputs to others Reconstruct your output

20 Majority-honest model:
remarks Ideal model assume exists a trusted party and secure communication channels... everything is trivially secure Real model trust nobody but yourself need cryptographic assumptions to get security Majority-honest model: trust that a majority of parties is honest. Not as trivial as ideal model, but can still achieve security without assumptions

21 Notation: [a]i is i's share of a
step 1: input sharing Notation: [a]i is i's share of a Inp: s1 Inp: s2 {[si]2}i {[si]1}i {[si]j}j ← share (i, si) Inp: s3 Inp: sn {[si]3}i {[si]n}i

22 step 2: evaluation of circuit
s1, [a]1, [b]1 s2, [a]2, [b]2 for each gate, from bottom to top: if ADD(a, b, c) gate: [c]i ← [a]i + [b]i if MULT(a, b, c) gate: [c]i ← mult (i, [a]i, [b]i) s3, [a]3, [b]3 sn, [a]n, [b]n

23 step 3: recovering outputs
s1, {[yj]1}j s2, {[yj]2}j // i does: For each j ≠ i: send [yj]i to j Wait until has received [yi]j from at least t - 1 parties j Reconstruct yi (by using interpolation) s3, {[yj]3}j sn, {[yj]n}j

24 input sharing Input: s1 Input: s2 Input: s₃ Input: sn [s1] 1 [s1] 2
function share (i, si): For j = 1 to t - 1 : fij ← ℤq fi0 ← si fi (x) ← ∑j ∈ [0,t - 1] fij xj // fi (0) = si For all j = 1 to n: evaluate fi (j) For all j = 1 to n: [si]j ← fi (j) [s1] 2 [s1] 3 [s1]n Input: s₃ Input: sn

25 input sharing Input: s1 Input: s2 Input: s3 Input: sn share (2, s2)
share (n, sn) Input: s3 Input: sn

26 why it works For each i: Each party j ≠ i gets value [si]j = fi (j)
Since deg f = t - 1, any t parties can reconstruct si by pooling their shares and using interpolation No t - 1 parties (not involving i) can reconstruct si

27 efficiency: input sharing
Computation: multipoint evaluation: n polynomial evaluations to compute all fi (j) Θ (n2) mult-s in ℤq by using "obvious" algorithm Special "multipoint evaluation" algorithm: Θ (n log n) mult-s in ℤq function share (i, si): For j = 1 to t - 1 : fij ← ℤq fi0 ← si fi (x) ← ∑j ∈ [0,t - 1] fij xj // fi (0) = si For all j: evaluate fi (j) For all j: [si]j ← fi (j) does not really matter: in most applications, n is very small

28 efficiency of sharing Communication:
each party sends and receives (n - 1) log q bits Total comm.: (n - 1)n log q Rounds: 1 (everything in parallel; no delay) We will not deal with the question of the size of q; q is approximately lower-bound by n + 1 and the "data size". In many applications log q = 20 might be ok

29 Private addition Input: party i has shares [a]i, [b]i of a and b
Output: party i has share [c]i = [a]i + [b]i of c = a + b Needed: generate a random degree-(t - 1) polynomial C, with restriction that C (0) = A (0) + B (0) Quiz: how?

30 Thus if input shares are random, then output shares are random
private addition Need: generate a random degree-(t - 1) polynomial C, with restriction that C (0) = A (0) + B (0) Solution: define C (x) = A (x) + B (x) C (0) = A (0) + B (0) C (i) = [c]i = [a]i + [b]i = A (i) + B (i) C (i) is random if at least one share is random Party i locally computes [c]i by doing 1 addition Thus if input shares are random, then output shares are random

31 private multiplication
Input: party i has shares [a]i = A (i), [b]i = B (i) of a and b Output: party i has share [c]i of c = ab Needed: generate polynomial C of degree t - 1 which is random, except C (0) = A (0) · B (0) Quiz: define C (x) = A (x) · B (x) --- is it ok? partly: C (0) = A (0) · B (0) no: C is not random, and it also has degree up to 2t - 2

32 private multiplication
Recall: C (x) = A (x) B (x) not random, has degree 2t - 2 Need: 2t - 2 ≤ n also: if n / 2 parties pool their data, they get a degree n polynomial => hence t < n / 2

33 private multiplication
Idea: party i has [a]i[b]i = C (i) He creates a random polynomial Di of degree t - 1, s.t. Di (0) = [a]i[b]i … and shares it Denote D (x) := ∑i∈[1,n] Di (x) li (0) D (0) = ∑i Di (0) li (0) = ∑ [a]i[b]i li (0) = ∑ C (i) li (0) = C (0) = ab (secret) The new share of ab is [ab]i = ∑j∈[1,n] Dj(i) lj (0) = g (i) function mult (i, ai, bi): For j = 1 to t - 1: Dij ← ℤq Di0 ← [a]i · [b]j Di (x) ← ∑j∈[0,t-1] gij xj // gi (0) = [a]i · [b]i For all j: evaluate Di (j) For j ≠ i: send Di (j) to j Wait until received Dj (i) from all j ≠ i Set [ab]i ← ∑j Dj (i) lj (0) D(X) is a random polynomial, not known by any single party, s.t. D (0) = ab

34 efficiency per party Computation:
dominated by multipoint evaluation and interpolation Computing all lj (0) Θ (n log n) mod q multiplications Communication: (n - 1) log q bits per party Rounds: 1 function mult (i, ai, bi): For j = 1 to t - 1: Dij ← ℤq Di0 ← [a]i · [b]j Di (x) ← ∑j∈[0,t-1] gij xj // gi (0) = [a]i · [b]i For all j: evaluate Di (j) For j ≠ i: send Di (j) to j Wait until received Dj (i) from all j ≠ i Set [ab]i ← ∑j Dj (i) lj (0)

35 reconstruction of secrets
For each party i with private output yi: Obtain at least t - 1 shares [yi]j of yi from other parties Use interpolation to compute y from them

36 security Every set of t - 1 players receives in each round values that are (t - 1)-wise independent, and thus uniformly distributed Hence no information about the actual wire values is leaked (t - 1)-wise independence means intuitively: each (t - 1)-dimensional subvector of the full vector (x1,…,xn) looks random

37 circuit eval: efficiency
Let M be the number of multiplication gates Computation: Dominated by appr. M multipoint evaluations / interpolations Θ (Mn log n) operations in ℤq Communication: Approx. Mn messages or Mn log q bits per party Rounds: multiplicative depth of circuit Additions/multiplications only. No expensive cryptographic operations! Recall: n is small, so overhead compared to non-private computation is minimal

38 Comparison Rounds Trust BDD-based Comp. assmpt. Comp. MPC
Communication Computation Trust BDD-based Comp. assmpt. Comp. MPC Inf theor. MPC "majority are honest"

39 Tradeoffs Efficiency:
More efficient with a smaller number n of parties Trust: With larger n, tolerance against a larger number t of corrupted parties In practice, n depends on application: how many parties are needed, how many applicable, how many we can trust...?

40 next lecture Garbled circuits very good computation, rounds
bad communication

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