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FAFSA on the Web Preview Presentation

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Presentation on theme: "FAFSA on the Web Preview Presentation"— Presentation transcript:

1 2017-18 FAFSA on the Web Preview Presentation
September 2016

2 TOPICS Overview Home Page Login Dependent Student with Parental Data
My FAFSA Pages Auto-Zero EFC (skipping the remaining financial questions) Special Circumstances Special Circumstance – Unsubsidized Loan Only Homeless Circumstance Additional Resources

3 Overview The FAFSA on the Web (FOTW ®) Preview Presentation provides screenshots that Financial Aid Professionals, mentors, and counselors can use as a guide for the FOTW site. The screenshots and information provided can be used to create/modify presentations for professional trainings and high school nights. The screenshots are intended to show the majority of the questions displayed on FOTW; however, most students and/or parents are unlikely to need to answer all of the questions when completing his/her application. This presentation does not include screenshots of the FOTW Correction process, as it is similar to the Application process. The test data used in this presentation shows examples of what the FOTW site will look like.

4 Overview (continued) Please see the red arrows on each slide, or review the notes section of each slide for additional information about the slide. The version of FOTW will be available for applicants to use on October 1, 2016. You can use the Web Demonstration site to preview functionality beginning on September 25, 2016. The FOTW and Web Demonstration sites are pending Office of Management and Budget approval prior to implementation and are subject to change.

5 Home Page Home Page

6 FAFSA Home Page FAFSA on the Web home page (

7 Login Login

8 Login (continued) “Login” page.

9 Login with FSA ID “Login” page with Enter your FSA ID option selected. Note: It is beneficial for the student/parent to include an address on his/her FSA ID account to allow the U.S. Department of Education to communicate directly with the FSA ID owner about the status of his/her account. The address is entered when the student/parent applies for his/her FSA ID. Reminder: While the address for FSA ID is optional, if the user does want to include an address, it can be used only once with an FSA ID. If users share an address, only one user may link the address to an FSA ID.

10 Login with Student Information
“Login” page with Enter the student’s information option selected.

11 Independent Student

12 Login with Student Data Entered (continued)
“Login” page with the applicant’s data entered.

13 My FAFSA (continued) 2017-18 “Get Started” page.
This page was revised to provide clarification on which school year the applicant should apply for based on the school year they are planning to attend college. The applicant can view the status of his/her FSA ID in the FSA ID section of the My FAFSA page.

14 Create a Save Key (Student)
The “Save Key” allows an applicant to save his/her FAFSA application and return at a later time to complete and submit the application. The application is saved for 45 days or until the student submits his/her application for processing.

15 Introduction Page (Student)

16 Student Demographic Information (Independent)
“Student Demographic Information” page.

17 Student Eligibility (Independent)
“Student Eligibility” page. The word “college” was added to the question “What will your college grade level be when you begin the school year?”

18 Student Eligibility/High School Search (Independent)
“Student Eligibility continued” page.

19 School Selection (Independent)
“School Selection” page.

20 School Selection Summary (Independent)
“School Selection Summary” page.

21 Independent Student, Dependency Determination
“Dependency Determination” page.

22 Independent Student, Student Tax Information (continued)
“Student Tax information” page. New for , the 2015 tax information will be requested instead of the 2016 tax information. To emphasize this change for students and parents, an alert message will display indicating “Attention! You must provide financial information from your 2015 tax return on the following pages.” Additionally, the IRS DRT section of the application has been revised to make the following changes: The “Did you file taxes electronically in the last 3 weeks (or by mail in the last 11 weeks)?” question has been removed. Students will not be requested to provide their FSA ID (if not already provided) on the Student Tax Information page prior to clicking “Link to IRS” The Amended Tax Return and Foreign Tax Return questions have been revised to include 2015 as part of the question. The definition of the 1040 X amended tax return can be found by following the link that was added to the question.

23 Independent Student, Leaving FOTW
“Leaving FAFSA on the Web” page, displayed when the student is going to the IRS Web site. The “Leaving FAFSA on the Web” page has been revised to provide information on how to utilize the IRS DRT and what will occur if they opt to not use the IRS DRT.

24 Independent Student, IRS DRT (Warning Message)
Warning text appears as the IRS Data Retrieval Tool site is displayed.

25 Independent Student, IRS DRT with user information from FOTW
These fields are pre-filled based on FAFSA responses Independent Student, IRS DRT with user information from FOTW IRS Data Retrieval Tool, page 1, containing user demographic information. Even though the fields at the top are pre-filled based on FAFSA responses, the first name, last name, date of birth and the filing status can be updated on this page. The Social Security Number cannot be updated.

26 Independent Student, IRS DRT Submit and Return Functions
IRS Data Retrieval Tool, page 1, containing user demographic information (continued, updated with user information). The user can click “Submit” to retrieve IRS data, or “Return to FAFSA” to discontinue use of the IRS DRT and return to FOTW.

27 Independent Student, IRS DRT Transfer Functions
IRS Data Retrieval Tool, page 2, containing user-specific IRS data. The user can check the “Transfer My Tax Information…” box and click “Transfer Now” to carry this data back into FOTW. The user can check the “Do Not Transfer…” box and click “Do Not Transfer” to discontinue use of the IRS DRT and return to FOTW. The user can click the “Print this page” icon in order to print the data that is displayed on this page.

28 Independent Student, Student Financial Information Page

29 Independent Student, Student Financial Information Page (continued)
Top half of the “Student Financial Information continued” page. Bottom half of the page is continued on the next slide.

30 Independent Student, FOTW Student Financial Information Page
This is the bottom half of the “Student Financial Information continued” page.

31 Independent Student, Sign and Submit
This is the “Sign & Submit” page for an independent student. Since the student entered his/her FSA ID to go to the IRS to transfers data, he/she is not requested to provide his/her FSA ID Username and Password again to sign the application.

32 Independent Student, Confirmation
This is the “Confirmation Page”

33 Homeless Circumstance

34 FOTW Dependency Determination Page
The dependency questions at the bottom of the Dependency Determination page are the questions that will determine if the applicant will see the Homeless Circumstances questions.

35 Homeless Circumstances
The Homeless or at Risk of Being Homeless page has been revised to provide definitions and examples of homeless circumstances.

36 Homeless Circumstances, Unable to Provide Parental Information
The applicant is then taken to the “Unable to Provide Parental Information” page, where they will be able to proceed after selecting “I am unable to provide parental information…” The applicant should click the “Next” button; they will then skip the parental information pages and go directly to the student financial information pages.

37 Thank you for previewing the 2017-18 FAFSA on the Web site
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