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Growth Mindset & Visible learning

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Presentation on theme: "Growth Mindset & Visible learning"— Presentation transcript:

1 Growth Mindset & Visible learning
 “If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you.” Unknown

2 Aims of today The power of believing YOU can!
The impact of growth vs fixed mindset Our commitment at FCPS to developing a learning culture that facilitates and encourages a GM

3 Carol Dweck-The Power of Believing you Can

4 The Nature of Mindset Growth Mindset

5 Two beliefs about intelligence

6 Belief versus Ability How many of these terms and expressions have you heard, or used? Despite continue prevalence, there are many better predictors of performance success! God-given talent They didn’t even have to try! Born good at … Natural athlete Certain to do well Like father, like son… Innate gifts

7 Think of a baby…

8 Elasticity of the Brain

9 Mind your Language

10 Visible learning Visible Learners can:
Articulate what they are learning Explain the next steps in their learning Set learning goals See errors as opportunities for further learning Know what to do when they are stuck Seek feedback

11 What is a good learner?

12 Learning Powers Toolkit

13 the Power of Praise Use praise that focuses on achievement and effort Don’t say no-have a go! Well done! You’re learning to… Good it’s making you think-that’s how you know your brain is growing. You kept going – well done! If you could do it already or it was easy, you wouldn’t be learning anything.

14 How are we cultivating a Growth Mindset Culture at FCPS?
Magical Mistakes Growing our Brain Normalising mistakes Famous Failures The Learning Pit Storytelling Praising Effort Mild Hot and Spicy Challenges Champion ALL of our learners to believe they can

15 To summarise Mindsets can change.
Learning is a continuum rather than a job to be done and finished with and we need to value the process. We need to model our own growth mindsets to pupils. People with a Growth Mindset believe that intelligence is not fixed and it can grow With time, effort, practice and input we can all reach a given level of proficiency.  Mistakes are a valuable part of the learning process. A fixed mindset can be a huge barrier to learning. Other learning attributes are greater indicators of success. Mindsets can change.

16 A final thought...

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