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Peer Review Activity

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1 Peer Review Activity

2 Today’s task Use the WatCV Rubric to give and receive peer feedback on the WatCV 2 reflection   You will use the feedback you receive today to revise and re-submit WatCV 2. 1 minute

3 Peer review helps you learn how to read carefully, with attention to detail learn how to strengthen your writing by taking into account the responses of actual and future readers move from writing primarily for yourself or for an instructor to writing for a broader audience learn how to formulate and communicate constructive feedback on a peer’s work learn how to gather and respond to feedback on your own work 1 minute

4 Peer review activity Find a partner and use the WatCV rubric to review your partner’s reflection (7-8 minutes per partner). REMEMBER: you’re taking the role of an employer. The employer is interested in learning more about the skill the student has used to address a particular situation, what actions the student has taken to deploy those skills to address the situation, why those actions were taken, and how those actions helped address the situation 2 minutes (overview) + 15 minutes (peer review) Emphasize that the peer review activity will give each student an opportunity to see examples of work that differ from their own and to apply the rubric to those examples. As the group works together applying the rubric, they will deepen their own understanding of what each of the rubric elements means and discover ways to improve their own work. They will use the feedback they have received during the peer review activity to revise and resubmit their WatCV assignment 2 submission. Throughout the session, the instructor circulates throughout the class to ensure that students are keeping on task and calls out the 5 minute marks reminding students to begin reviewing the next example. Student actions Students tell their partner the possible BBI question their reflection could answer (For example, Tell me about a time you handled a group conflict well). Their partner then takes on the role of the employer, and poses the question. The students read aloud their reflection. Doing so helps both students recognize strengths and weaknesses in the reflection. They then open the WatCV rubric and use it to assess, and provide feedback to their partner.

5 After you’ve completed your review
As a group: identify areas of the rubric that remain unclear to you list the questions that remain after applying the rubric to your peers’ work Individually: use your peer feedback to improve your revised version of Assignment 2 5 minutes

6 Q&A What challenges did you encounter using the rubric?
Were there any examples of an A+ level rubric?  Provide a specific example of what moved the response to an A+ level What was most helpful to you in terms of improving your own WatCV 2 response? 5-10 minutes Ask the students these questions Remind the students to use the feedback they have received to improve their own WatCV Assignment 2 submission and submit by deadline

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