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Cells and Heredity Chapter 3.2.

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1 Cells and Heredity Chapter 3.2

2 Warm up 9/11/09 What are you and every other living thing made of? Where do cells come from? How does a cell know how to function and reproduce?

3 3.2 Vocabulary cell cycle (p.80) – The normal sequence of growth, maintenance, and division in a cell. interphase (p.81) – The period in the cell cycle in which a cell grows, maintains itself, and prepares for division. mitosis (p.81) – The phase in the cell cycle during which the nucleus divides. cytokinesis (p.81) – The division of a parent cell’s cytoplasm following mitosis.

4 Cell grows and carries out normal functions; organelles duplicate.
Interphase Cell grows and carries out normal functions; organelles duplicate. DNA replicates Loose strands of DNA in the cell DNA wraps around proteins DNA replicates in the nucleus Cell grows and prepares for mitosis.

5 prophase DNA continues to condense as it wraps around proteins.
Strands of DNA condense to distinct chromosomes, each with two chromatids that are exact copies of each other. The nuclear membrane disappears.


7 Warm up 9/14/09 Consider the muscle tissue in your body. What ingredients and processes formed it? How did it become a muscle?

8 Metaphase Chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell.

9 Anaphase Chromatids of each chromosome split into two separate chromosomes. Separated chromosomes pull to the opposite ends of the cell.

10 telophase New nuclear membranes form

11 cytokinesis Cell pinches and divides.

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