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Chapter 20 Part I – 4th Declension

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1 Chapter 20 Part I – 4th Declension

2 Chapter 20 Part I – 4th Declension
Easier than 3rd declension Less common Most are masculine (but there are a few feminine) manus & domus Very few neuter 4ths, they end in –ū

3 Chapter 20 Part I – 4th Declension
Endings: M/F N -ūs -ua -uum -ibus -ūs -uum -ibus -us -ūs -uī -um

4 Chapter 20 Part I – 4th Declension
Cornū, -ūs, n. Cornū Cornua Cornūs Cornuum Cornū Cornibus Frūctus, -ūs, m. Frūctus Frūctūs Frūctūs Frūctuum Frūctuī Frūctibus Frūctum Frūctūs Frūctū Frūctibus

5 DRILL TIME! (Translate)
1. Manuī 2. Manus 3. Manuum 4. Manū 5. Manūs 6. Fructibus 7. Fructum 8. Fructūs 9. Fructuum 10. Fructū 11. Senatūs (sg.) 12. Senatuī to/for the hand The hand Of the hands By the hand Of the hand To/for/by/with the fruits The fruit (D.O.) Of the fruit Of the fruits By/with the fruit Of the senate To/for the senate

6 MORE DRILL What gender predominates the 4th Declension? masculine
Explain the difference between the Ablative of Place from Which and the ablative of Separation. Place from Which uses a preposition and always involves a verb of active motion Separation does not need a preposition and is used with verbs that contain the idea of separation in their definition (eg. careo, prohibeo, libero).

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