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Leveraging Claims Data to Assess Outcomes Following Hysteroscopic Sterilization Jialin Mao WCMC Co-investigators: Maryam Guiahi, Scott Chudnoff, Peter.

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Presentation on theme: "Leveraging Claims Data to Assess Outcomes Following Hysteroscopic Sterilization Jialin Mao WCMC Co-investigators: Maryam Guiahi, Scott Chudnoff, Peter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leveraging Claims Data to Assess Outcomes Following Hysteroscopic Sterilization
Jialin Mao WCMC Co-investigators: Maryam Guiahi, Scott Chudnoff, Peter Schlegel, Samantha Pfeifer, Art Sedrakyan


3 Other studies… Perkins (2016) – US commercial claims database
Did not separate subsequent tubal intervention from other GYN procedures Did not include Medicaid patients

4 Other studies… Antoun (2017) – Birmingham Women’s Hospital, UK

5 Other studies… Bouillon (2017) – French National Discharge Database

6 How does HS compare to LS in longer terms?

7 Current study Cohort Main outcomes Secondary outcomes
New York State database of all comers, undergoing HS or LS, Median follow-up of 7 years Main outcomes Additional tubal ligations or resections Hysterectomy not related to gynecologic malignancies, uterine leiomyomata, or benign uterine tumors Secondary outcomes Gynecologic and non-gynecologic cancer in a baseline cancer-free sub-cohort Statistical analysis Propensity score matching Time-to-event analysis

8 Primary outcomes within 7-year follow up, propensity matched cohort
HR(95% CI) HS vs. LS P value Additional tubal ligation/resection All years 2.89( ) <.001 Time dependent covariate Year 1 6.39( ) Year 2 2.86( ) Year 3-7 1.65( ) 0.001 Hysterectomy 0.73( ) 0.05

9 Hysteroscopic Sterilization (n=10053) Laparoscopic Sterilization
Secondary analysis of new cancer diagnosis within 7 years among patients who did not have cancer at baseline, propensity score matched cohort. Hysteroscopic Sterilization (n=10053) Laparoscopic Sterilization Hazard Ratio (95% CI) P value Events Estimated Risk GYN cancer NR 0.1% 2.63( ) 0.15 Other cancer 91 1.2% 93 1.3% 0.96( ) 0.80 Any cancer* 98 94 1.03( ) 0.85 * Any cancer incidence was not equal to the sum of gynecologic cancer and other cancer incidence due to multiple cancer diagnosis for some patients. NR: Not reportable for events<11.

10 Summary Higher risk of tubal reoperation following HS compared to LS in short- and longer-term Time-varying risk

11 Thank you!

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