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Tuesday January 11, 2017 Please get out your blackwater field trip forms Please get out your planner to parent signature Open your books to 6.3 pages 200-207.

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Presentation on theme: "Tuesday January 11, 2017 Please get out your blackwater field trip forms Please get out your planner to parent signature Open your books to 6.3 pages 200-207."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tuesday January 11, 2017 Please get out your blackwater field trip forms Please get out your planner to parent signature Open your books to 6.3 pages and read 6.3 You will also need a c notes sheet for 6.3 Sharpen pencils or get out a pen

2 Air Masses and their Movements
Chapter 6.3 Benchmark for today: SC.6.E.7.3 Describe how global patterns such as the jet stream and ocean currents influence local weather in measureable terms such as air temperature, air pressure, wind direction, speed, humidity , and precipitation. Today’s Learning Goal: The students will IDENTIFY the major air masses, and explain how they move

3 There are 4 MAJOR types of Air masses that influence the weather in North America
Maritime tropical Continental tropical Maritime polar Continental polar 1:36 length of video

4 Air mass A huge body of air that has similar temperature, humidity, and air pressure at any given height.

5 Tropical Warm air masses that form in the tropics and have low air pressure. TROPICAL

6 Polar Cold air masses that form north of 50o north latitude and south of 50o south latitude, with high air pressure. POLAR

7 Maritime Air masses that form over oceans, usually very humid.

8 Continental Air masses that form over land, usually drier than maritime air masses.

9 What are the major air masses?
Continental tropical Maritime tropical Maritime polar Continental polar

10 Wednesday January 11, 2017 Please get out your blackwater field trip forms Please get out your planner to parent signature Open your books to 6.3 pages and read 6.3 You will also need a c notes sheet for 6.3 Sharpen pencils or get out a pen

11 Jet streams Bands of high-speed winds about 10 km above Earth’s surface; generally blow from west to east.

12 I get it! Now I know that the 4 major types of air masses are…. Pg. 203
Maritime tropical Wet/warm 2. Continental tropical Dry/warm 3. Maritime polar Wet/cold 4. Continental polar Dry/cold

13 The boundary where air masses meet?

14 Occluded Cut off, as in a front where a warm air mass is caught between two cooler air masses.

15 Weather @ the Front pgs. 204-205
Cold Front Clouds, many days of precipitation WARM FRONT Clouds, heavy precipitation Clouds, many days of precipitation Occluded Front Stationary front Clouds, precipitation

16 What are the main types of fronts?
 Warm Front Cold Front  Stationary Front Occluded  Front

17 What weather do cyclones and anticyclones bring?
Cyclones and decreasing air pressure are associated with … clouds, wind, and precipitation. Anticyclones are associated with … dry, clear weather.

18 Cyclone A swirling center of low air pressure.

19 Anticyclone High-pressure centers of dry air.

20 Air Masses and Their Movements
Cyclones and Anticyclones Which image is a cyclone and which is an anticyclone? What is the air motion direction of each? Cyclone Anticyclone

21 Air Masses and Their Movements
Pg. 207 Which circles are low-pressure centers and which are high-pressure centers? L H L H

22 I get it! Now I know that… pg. 207
Cyclones cause…. clouds, wind, and precipitation Anticyclones cause… dry, clear weather

23 You will need your books open to 6.3
Blackwater field trip forms need to be in my hand please Please turn in summaries from c notes yesterday You need a pencil You will need a highlighter January 12, 2017 Today you will complete hand out 6.3 by using your books. Work alone unless instructed otherwise.

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