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Monitoring of air temperature and humidity in an apartment

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1 Monitoring of air temperature and humidity in an apartment
Marianna Luoma

2 Monitoring excercise; instructions
Aim: To learn to design, perform, and report a monitoring activity Physical quantities to be measured: Air temperature and relative humidity Absolute humidity should be calculated Data loggers Data logger EBI 20 (programmed in the laboratory by means of a PC) Monitoring of air temperature and humidity You should use two data loggers Sampling duration: At least 24 hours Location: Two rooms (living room and bathroom) in your apartment Groupwork: Two students in each group Photos of the monitoring are desirable

3 Example of monitoring in an office room
Example of monitoring in an office room * Think what kind of variation you could expect in temperature and humidity * Constant values are not very interesting results

4 Memory capacity of the EBI 20 data loggers
8000 measured data (temperature and humidity takes two) The unit provides different recording modes The desired recording mode is set by the PC Endless measurement Immediate measurement until memory is full No measurement/start by pressing key Start/stop measurement

5 Comparison of the two EBI 20 data loggers
The data loggers that you have, may show different values for temperature and humidity You should correct for that difference, when you analyze your sampling data This is how you should do: When you are starting your sampling, put the loggers first at the same location (at a table side by side) and let them be there for an hour Use this data to correct the results so that your loggers show the same results at the same location

6 Schedule for the monitoring
Tuesday 16th of January: Instructions about programming the data loggers First half of the groups start measuring Thursday 18th of January: First half of the group bring the dataloggers to the laboratory and save the monitoring results on their own memory sticks Second half of the groups program the dataloggers and start the measurements Monday 22nd of January: All the dataloggers are returned to the laboratory Every group has finished the measurements and have the data on their own memory stick

7 Analysing the data Use Exel to analyse you monitoring data
Calculate the absolute humidity as a function of measured temperature and relative humidity Calculate averages and standard deviations for each parameter Draw graphs for temperature, relative humidity and abloslute humidity

8 Oral presentations You need to do a PowerPoint file which has to be returned in Moodle by the 29th of January The template for the PowerPoint file is in Moodle The file should contain the following slides: Title page, Aims, Method, Results, Analysis of results, List of references Oral presentations are held on Monday the 29th of January

9 Start planning your work by answering these questions:
With whom do you work? The aim of the measurements? When do you measure? In which rooms do you measure? How often do you store the data (s, min, h)? What kind of results do you expect to get? How would you analyze the results? Comparison of the reults to D2, standards etc.?

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