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www. metcheck. com/UK/airmass

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1 www. metcheck. com/UK/airmass
Storm conditions over the UK on 1 Jun 15 are shown through an RGB composite image, which colours the air masses. The difference between the tropical air mass (south west) and the polar air (north of the depression) is clear. The red mixing shows how much turbulence has been generated.

2 http://earth. nullschool
Imagery from the South Pacific Ocean on 14 Mar 2015 (0900Z), showing Tropical Cyclone Pam as it approached the coast of Vanuatu.

3 http://earth. nullschool
The Earth model shows various menu options, enabling the user to interact with the atmosphere. You can select different data options, heights and overlay natures, and control the extent of the animation process involved.

4 http://earth. nullschool. net Storm conditions over the UK on 1 Jun 15
Storm conditions over the UK on 1 Jun 15. Here, the 700 hPa winds start to show far more of the upper level Rossby wave formation associated with the jet stream. It starts to become clear that this is part of a bigger system, not just an isolated incident or event.

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