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Adverse Weather Conditions By: Jalea Ann G. Maniago

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Presentation on theme: "Adverse Weather Conditions By: Jalea Ann G. Maniago"— Presentation transcript:

1 Adverse Weather Conditions By: Jalea Ann G. Maniago

2 Warm Fronts vs Cold Fronts
~Thunderstorms ~Extratropical Cyclone ~Highly unstable ~Warm


4 Warm Fronts ~Edge of a homogeneous Air ~Fogs ~Cold

5 Stationary Fronts vs Occluded Fonts
~a pair of air masses ~cold or warm front Occluded ~cold front over takes a warm front

6 What are the following adverse weather conditions and how are they formed?

7 -lightning with thunder
Thunderstorms -lightning with thunder

8 ~column of air extending from a thunderstorm to a ground
Tornadoes ~column of air extending from a thunderstorm to a ground ~form from thunderstorms

9 ~warm moist evaporates and goes up spinning around
Hurricanes ~Huge storm ~600 miles across ~75-200mph ~warm moist evaporates and goes up spinning around

10 References:

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