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Senior English 10/1/18 What are the characteristics of a totalitarian government? Does England have a fourth of July? Epizootic – describing a disease.

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Presentation on theme: "Senior English 10/1/18 What are the characteristics of a totalitarian government? Does England have a fourth of July? Epizootic – describing a disease."— Presentation transcript:

1 Senior English 10/1/18 What are the characteristics of a totalitarian government? Does England have a fourth of July? Epizootic – describing a disease that is widespread in animals, as opposed to epidemics, which are human. Goals – Get an understanding of some issues within that may inform how you participate as a cit. Homework – Read Part 1, Chapter 1.Answer questions. Don’t forget to begin study for vocab. 5 quiz on Friday. Yes, they also have a first, second, third …

2 Senior English 10/2/18 How could freedom be slavery?
What did the lawyer name her daughter? Labtebricole – living in holes. Goals – Check Dailies. Watch video shared by Marko. Incorporate into our discussion of quotes from Homework – Read Part 1 chapter II and III, respond on the back of your opener in the specified format. Vocab 5 Friday. Sue

3 How closely should a government watch citizens for security reasons?
Senior English 10/3/18 How closely should a government watch citizens for security reasons? What kind of jokes do vegetables like? Mordacity – likely to bite, a biting quality. Goals – Read and analyze: “Big Brother Comes to China.” Homework – Read Chapter IV and do notetaking activity. Vocab 5 Friday Corny ones

4 Senior English 10/4/18 Write on a subject of your choice.
Why do male deer need braces? Petulcous – Butting like a ram. Overly aggressive. Goals – Practice using notes to hold academic discussions/arguments. Toulmin Model. Homework – Read Chapter V and do notetaking activity. Study for vocab 5. Buck teeth

5 Senior English 10/5/18 Five minutes to review for the vocabulary quiz 5. Two flies are on a porch: which one is the actor? Nacicornous – having a horn on the nose. Goals –Successfully complete and correct Vocab 5.Get started on the weekend’s reading and notetaking. Discussion? Homework – Read Chapter VI, VII, AND VIII. Then do notetaking activity for each chapter. Begin vocab. 6 study. The one on the screen.

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