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5th ITU Green Standards Week Nassau, The Bahamas December 2015

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Presentation on theme: "5th ITU Green Standards Week Nassau, The Bahamas December 2015"— Presentation transcript:

1 5th ITU Green Standards Week Nassau, The Bahamas 14-18 December 2015
Creating Sustainable Networks for Sustainable Cities Gustavo A. Villegas Boyoli Specialist Sr. of Energy Efficiency, Telefónica México,

2 Overview Building Blocks IoT for everybody
What happens in…? Creating a Smart Cities IoT for everybody What is the reason for IoT ? Smart Cities Decalogue from Telefónica Telefónica Solutions for a Smart Cities Some Numbers of Telefónica Networks Creating a Sustainable and Smart Solutions Success Case of a Smart City

3 1.1. What happens in …? 1.2. Creating a Smart Cities
1. Building Blocks 1.1. What happens in …? 1.2. Creating a Smart Cities

4 What happens in …?

5 Creating a Smart Cities
For Telefónica the Digital Revolution has just started and the rules are not written yet. We believe that technology should be open to everyone. But to unleash the full potential of the Digital Economy, it will need forward-looking, fairer public policies and a better cooperation between all stakeholders, public and private.

6 2. IoT for everybody 2.1. What is the reason for IoT ?
2.2. Smart Cities Decalogue from Telefónica

7 What is the reason for IoT ?
The digital revolution is the most important period of economic, technological and social transformation we have experienced since the Industrial Revolution. Today, there are already 2.7 billion people with internet access. However, 4.6 billion people do not have it and over 90% of them live in developing countries. The digital economy is expected to post annual growth rates of 5% in the countries of the G-20, and that rate will rise to 18% year-on-year in developing countries in the next five years.

8 Smart Cities Decalogue from Telefónica
Telefónica’s policy recommendations to create an open and safe Internet experience for all and unleash the full potential of the Digital Economy

9 Smart Cities Decalogue from Telefónica

10 3. Telefónica Solutions for a Smart Cities
3.1. Some numbers of a Telefónica Networks 3.2. Creating a Sustainable and Smart Solutions

11 Some numbers of a Telefónica Networks
Telefonica has presence in 15 Countries of LATAM Region, and the principal brands are:

12 Some numbers of a Telefónica Networks

13 Creating a Sustainable and Smart Solutions
(Video Smart Cities)

14 4. Success Case of a Smart City

15 Success Case of a Smart City
(Video Smart City)

16 Thank You

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