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Philippine Report.

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1 Philippine Report

2 Key messages L1 is a bridge to L2. Learners from ethnic communities should learn first in their mother tongue (MT) to be able to acquire oral and written fluency in the national language. Using child’s MT as the main language of instruction in basic education and transitioning gradually to the use of language of wider communication (Filipino) is of critical importance in enabling the Philippines to achieve EDUCATION FOR ALL. Promote the use of MT from pre-school until Grade 2 and introduce oral FILIPINO and ENGLISH. Offer a subject in the Mother Tongue (3 hours a week). Topics on local culture (songs, folklores and values). Gradual transition from LI to L2 (Filipino) and L3 (English) starting in Grade 3.

3 Who needs to hear these messages?
Regional SEAMEO INNOTECH UNESCO National Commission UNICEF National Secretary of Education and DepED Officials Office of the President Legislators Parents, teachers and the community National EFA Committee (NEC) Local Levels Teachers and administrators Local Government Units Community Leaders

4 Relationships Advocates- Education Officials- Networks-equal
Co-partners- SEAMEO INNOTECH, UNESCO National Commission UNICEF Collaboration and partnership SI will lead research/conducts MT mapping/ collaborative research Resource sharing between and among partners

5 How will you communicate the key messages?
National Conference on MLE to be initiated by BEAM Basic Education Assistance for Mindanao-March 2008 DepED Policies on the Utilization of Mother Tongue in Basic Education Media Forum on MLE

6 Mapping on utilization of mother tongue and dissemination of results- April to May 2008
Documentation of Success stories on the use of MT- June to November 2008 Inventory of Existing materials for IPs/EMGs

7 Additional Resources Human /Technical / Financial SEAMEO INNOTECH
Documentation Specialist UNESCO UNICEF World Bank

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